EDITOR’S NOTE: The city is trying to figure out what to do with the 23rd/Yesler fire station building. This community post is about one potential option.
Seattle will soon decommission Fire Station #6, located at 101 – 23rd Ave. S., Seattle (cross street is Yesler), in the Central District in the South End of Seattle.
Dr. John Ruhland and a coalition of supporters have proposed establishing an Holistic Community Health Clinic to provide nutritional and other natural therapies. The fire station Clinic will provide care to all people independent of ability to pay.
The coalition is asking the City to donate the use of the fire station for this medical facility that will be of great benefit to the community.
There is a public meeting with City of Seattle representatives on Wed., Oct. 17, 2012, 7–9pm at Langston Hughes Performing Arts Center, 17th Ave. & Yesler, Seattle.
For more on the proposal, see: http://firestationclinic.org/index.html
EDITOR’S UPDATE: More details from the city:
The meeting is another opportunity for the community around Fire Station 6 to learn about
the City’s plans for the soon-to-be-former Fire Station 6. The Department of Finance and Administrative Services has recommended that the property be sold in an open, competitive process and that the proceeds of any sale go to funding the Fire Levy Program approved by voters in 2003. Interest has been expressed in redeveloping the property and the meeting will be an opportunity for proposals to be explained by proponents. Meeting attendees will have ample opportunity to ask questions about proposals and the redevelopment process. People with redevelopment plans are encouraged to attend this meeting and to contact the individuals listed below in advance of the meeting.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Program starts at 7 p.m.
Program ends at 9 p.m.
Langston Hughes Performing Arts Center, LHPAC
104 17th Ave. S.
Seattle, WA 98144
LHPAC is located on 17th Avenue South between East Yesler Way and South Washington Street. People with disabilities may use the Main Entrance.
Contact :
Louis Webster at 206-684-0357 or
Hillary Hamilton 206-684-0421
in the Department Finance and Administrative Services’ Real Estate Services Section
E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]