Nominated by the community of peers, Central District’s Hamlin Robinson School Learning Center was selected as the recipient of the 2012 Best of Washington Innovative Program Award by the Washington Federation of Independent Schools. The HRS Learning Center programs impacts the entire community and serves students from variety of public and independent schools. This new and innovative program leverages the strengths and transformational qualities of HRS for the benefit of, not only our students, but students and teachers in a variety of schools. The Learning Center has monthly parent educational lectures, professional development opportunities and now tutoring, screening and testing. This ambitious program offers an array of language related services and collaborative opportunities.
The HRS Learning Center programs will benefit over 1,000 students and professionals this year alone. This is a significant expansion in the reach of HRS: in its 29 year history HRS has served just over 1000 students and it will take just one year to reach the same number of participants with the variety of programs in the Learning Center.
Over the two-week winter vacation the school has nearly finished setting up the Learning Center teaching facility. Dane Jensen, HRS Trustee and advocate, has coordinated this effort. The Center features a lab group classroom, six tutoring stations, a conference room and a large event and presentation space. The Learning Center has been made possible by generous support from Wright Runstad & Company, Dane F. Jensen Design, Patrick H. Boden, Bank & Office Interiors, and Kayley Westra.
Learn more about the HRS Learning Center and upcoming programs at www.hamlinrobinson.org/LearningCenter
HRS is an independent, accredited, non-profit, state approved 1st grade through 8th grade school in Seattle for students with dyslexia and related language difficulties. The school uses a multi-sensory structured language approach in helping students discover the joy of learning, build positive self-esteem, explore creative potential, and acquire specific language skills necessary for success. This accepting environment is respectful of individuals and embraces diversity, allowing each student to recognize and accept his or her own differences and those of others.
Hamlin Robinson School is dedicated to meeting the educational, social, and emotional needs specific to students with dyslexia and related language difficulties.