Connect with your neighborhood. Attend the Squire Park Quarterly Meeting, Saturday, Oct. 12th, 10:00 AM to Noon, Centerstone, 722 18th Avenue. It is a packed agenda, but there will be room for you to share what is on your mind briefly.
- Representatives from the Seattle University Youth Initiative will let us know the latest news on their efforts in the community,
- Meet the District V candidates for Seattle School Board.
- Neighborhood schools and will TT Minor become a neighborhood school again?
- LIHI will report on the Nicklesville encampments.
- The Fair Elections campaign will be there.
- Get to know the Swedish MIMP.
Bill’s comment expresses the Board’s recommendation. We will be asking the community to vote on this Saturday:
“Saturday’s SPCC meeting is an opportunity to meet and join Squire Park neighbors who need your help in carrying on an important effort for neighborhood children and schools. The effort was described in CD News: “Neighborhood Group Organizes to ask Seattle Public Schools to Reopen T.T. Minor” Sept. 27, 2013. The Seattle School board will decide this month on school-assignment boundaries that will have a profound impact on our neighborhood. The short-term request of the group is to maintains the current boundaries of Stevens Elementary in order to provide stability to the families of the Squire Park neighborhood. The long-term goal is to reopen T.T. Minor as a neighborhood elementary school as soon as reasonably possible. A strong neighborhood voice is needed. Come to Saturday’s meeting to learn how you can help.”
“Saturday’s SPCC meeting is an opportunity to meet and join Squire Park neighbors who need your help in carrying on an important effort for neighborhood children and schools. The effort was described in CD News: “Neighborhood Group Organizes to ask Seattle Public Schools to Reopen T.T. Minor” Sept. 27, 2013. The Seattle School board will decide this month on school-assignment boundaries that will have a profound impact on our neighborhood. The short-term request of the group is to maintains the current boundaries of Stevens Elementary in order to provide stability to the families of the Squire Park neighborhood. The long-term goal is to reopen T.T. Minor as a neighborhood elementary school as soon as reasonably possible. A strong neighborhood voice is needed. Come to Saturday’s meeting to learn how you can help.”
I agree, Bill, let us do something positive for our neighborhood.
The Squire Park Community Council unanimously passed a motion to support the reopening of TT Minor School as neighborhood school ASAP and the families’ request to allow students in the areas designated as 42 and 43 in the Seattle Growth Boundary documents to continue to be assigned to Stevens until TT Minor is open to the neighborhood.