SPD and medics are responding to a reported shooting at 23rd and Jackson. There is at least one victim and police are searching area hospitals for a possible second person who may have been hit by gunfire.
Police have confirmed that one male has been shot. Seattle Fire is transporting the victim from the scene to Harborview.
UPDATE 5/29: The Seattle Times reports that the man died from his injuries. Homicide detectives are investigating the case.
A resident in the area reported hearing multiple shots just after 7 PM at the intersection near the Starbucks and the Red Apple grocery store.
This is a developing story and not all details have been confirmed with Seattle Police or Seattle Fire.
UPDATE: SPD says the shooting involved a uniformed security guard. There was a security guard at the scene when CDNews arrived, though we cannot confirm he was the guard involved. He appeared visibly shaken, though the area was very busy when we arrived and many people were clearly shaken by the incident on a busy CD block.
UPDATE: SPD spokesperson Jeff Kappel says a group of people were fighting in the parking lot on the east side of Starbucks. A uniformed security guard contracted to work the area approached the group and told them to leave.
As some in the group separated and began leaving, one man allegedly pulled out what appears to be a gun and pointed it at the people he had been fighting with. He then allegedly turned the gun on the guard, who fired and critically injured the man.
After being shot, he stumbled to the north side of the Starbucks, where he collapsed.
There were at least six bullet casings marked on the ground at the scene. It is unknown whether the man who was shot ever fired his gun (pictured below).
The guard surrendered to officers at the scene and is being questioned downtown.
Police gave no details or ages of those involved. They are asking for anyone who saw or knows anything to contact the Homicide Unit tip line at (206) 233-5000.
More details from the SPD Blotter:
Detectives are actively investigating a shooting involving a uniformed security guard and an armed man.
At approximately 7:06 p.m. officers responded to calls of shots fired in a parking lot on the northeast corner of 23rd Avenue South and South Jackson Street. A group of men were involved in a fight disturbance in the parking lot. An armed, uniformed security guard asked the men to leave at which point one of the involved men brandished a handgun and began waving it at the other men involved in the disturbance. The armed man then pointed the gun toward the security guard at which point the security guard shot the armed man in the torso. The injured man ran a short distance and collapsed. The rest of the men involved in the fight disturbance fled the scene on foot before the arrival of responding officers.
Fire department medics were called to the scene and transported the injured man to Harborview Medical Center with life-threatening injuries.
Homicide and CSI detectives responded to the scene. They are currently interviewing witnesses and the involved security guard.
Anyone with information about this incident or any of the involved parties is asked to call 911 or the Seattle Police Homicide Tip Line at (206) 233-5000 and refer to this incident. Anonymous tips are welcome.
This remains an active and on-going investigation.
Homicide detectives investigate the scene. The Homicide Unit is often called when injuries could be life-threatening.
Good grief, who took these amazing photos? Gun on the ground? A security guard…at Starbucks? More details please! I was literally just on my way to Starbucks and stopped at the one in Safeway instead.
My partner and I are the Detectives investigating this case. We would sincerely appreciate a call from anyone with information on this incident, to assist us in getting all the facts. All callers will be treated respectfully and be kept confidential. Thanks for your help.
Russ Weklych; SPD. 206-684-5567
Good thing the security guard was armed.
My son was waiting for a bus to take him to a Mariners game when this happened. I spoke with as he boarded the bus & everyone dove for the floor. This is getting beyond ridiculous. What is this world coming to & how do we stop this?
I feel for the guard. That’s a tough gig and hopefully his I’s where dotted and his T’s were crossed.
I see that guard quite often and he is a sweetheart and teddy bear! I can’t believe it, I was just at the Walgreen’s moments before this incident!
Fuck all u bitchs that was my family u guys are hoe
Don’t like it when the tables are turned, eh? Sounds like the guys had it coming. And, yes I am hoe.
Yep, jae’s “words” sums it all up, welcome to the containment zone. Until legal pressure is put on the city to stop keeping the CD a containment zone for all the criminal scum no one else in the city wants to live around, expect more of the same. The purge during the weed and seed era of the 1990’s did not go far enough in abateing properties. When those who did serve time got out they allowed them to be paroled back in the CD.
You think thats what he got no thats what you people need you didnt known him he was my guy he was real fuck all you people
Your guy pulled a gun on other people and just happened to get the first bullets by someone hired by the local business to protect us ‘hoes’ from the likes of your guy. A real man wouldn’t have pulled a gun and would have walked away from the conflict. It appears your guy chose not to be a man but instead a scared child with a lethal weapon.
Celia, I think you have everything nailed down to the enth degree. Now what? I just want the violence to end. Please people! It needs to stop!!!!!
These stories don’t fit Piers Morgan’s or the rest of the main stream media’s agenda! But the more we publicize incidents like this, the more people will accept the importance of responsible gun ownership in our lives. All of these stories are compiled and tracked at http://www.rationalityrebooted.com just for that purpose. What stops a bad guy with a gun? A good guy with a gun.
Except when we’re talking about “good guys” and “bad guys” we’re not just talking about flat characters in a children’s story. We’re talking about real people and communities with friends and family and neighbors. And everyone here has trauma to confront for a coming while, even in the security guard’s case, even for the other commenter’s son. And in this case, the role of a security guard at work (even if a security guard is some privately contracted, legally powerless individual) is somewhat different than average joe having access to a gun. Still, somebody died (at the hands of an authority figure who isn’t even a cop?). And there was still a group of people there who were associating with the so-called “bad guy” who did not die. And there’s a security guard who was visibly shaken, and passersby who were shaken. It’s more complicated than that. I don’t think anyone really won or wins here.
I know I’m playing into what’s basically an ad for this website but damn I’m not feelin it.
Do you know who won? I would say the guys that didn’t get shot because of this security guard. How many would that have been? One, two, or more. This security guard was in the right place and at the right time. He had enough moxy to stand up and face gun violence when confronted with it. If it wasn’t for the security guard, we would all be moaning about what we could do about the multiple victim shooting in the neighborhood and how to stop it. No, someone didn’t have to die. But that man put himself in that situation and payed the consequences.
Fact is, if you need a license to drive you should need a license to own a gun. That’s just simple logic. I’m not saying a license would have helped in this situation but it sure would have made it harder to get the gun this punk used. Like it or not, the 2nd amendment is a joke – if you want to follow it word-for-word, get a musket. Otherwise, amend it.
You can bet the guy waving a gun during a street fight had a stolen gun. One stolen from an “everyone should carry” supporter who left it in his car, or in his house when it was burglarized. For every gun owner who ever had a gun stolen from their house or car I say “good job, you just put it in the hands of a gang banger.” All you “responsible gun owners” secure your damned weapons. These kids are shooting people with guns they bought at Butch’s! They’re using YOUR stolen, carelessly stored arsenals.
^correction: They are NOT shooting people with legally bought guns, but with your stolen ones.
My first thought was that I hoped this didn’t happen this morning when a ton of middle schoolers are getting to school.This neighborhood is FILLED with kids, and there is almost always some kind of hassle happening on that corner.
I’m sorry for everyone involved, the security guard was doing his job, I’m sorry the dude got shot. Seriously people don’t take your guns to town, leave them locked up at home, without the guns there are no gun deaths, and let’s be honest who is getting killed? friends and neighbors, that’s who. What’s it gonna take for people to be more responsible? A bunch of kids getting shot over there?
Leave your guns at home.
I agree that people shouldn’t have guns on them but you have to realize that a lot of the young men in the CD carrying guns do it because they don’t have any reason to feel safe in their daily lives.
They’ve been trying to survive among violent peers and crooked cops for most of their lives.
People are so quick to judge but what we should try to do is empathize. Try to put yourself in other people’s shoes and see the world from their perspective. That’s the only way to begin to understand the problem and it must be understood in order to be solved.
Villainizing and placing blame have never solved anything. They just feel good when you’re angry and make the problem worse.
DME: Sure, the rare, non-gang banger kid is carrying a weapon to protect himself. But most young men in the CD brawling on Spruce or shooting each other on Cherry or Jackson don’t have any reason to feel safe in their daily lives because they’re 2nd and 3rd generation gang bangers. You shoot at people, eventually they’re going to shoot at you. And so on, and so on, and so on. Welcome to summer in the CD, folks.
Celia is wrong. Most of the kids in the CD ARE good kids. They are loud and boisterous because they don’t want anyone to take their kindness for weakness. They have guns for protection. There are still southend people coming to the CD to reek vengeance. If their brothers were in the scene, their lives are at risk. You really should not say negative things about these kids when you don’t KNOW!
The man that was shot died before making it to harbor view. Out of respect for his family no one should be calling him names. He was a friend of my family and was a good person from a VERY rough background. He didnt carry a gun to be a punk. He carried a gun because he was scared for his life. He didnt live in the CD and knew he wasn’t welcome there and that he was in danger. He was only trying to get to a friends house to watch a basketball game. He missed his bus and called the friend to be picked up because he knew he’d be in trouble if certain people saw him in that neighborhood. He wouldn’t have pulled a gun unless
he didnt have another choice. Sounds like most people on this forum don’t know what it’s like to be in his position, so who are we to judge? I wish the gang violence in our area was taken more seriously and that the cops would patrol areas like this more frequently in order to try to prevent this. We shouldn’t have to be scared to walk down our streets, or in his case to miss a bus!
In a gun-fight there are no winners.
Two families (the family of the security guard and the family of the deceased man) are now torn apart because of gun violence. The security guard who shot the deceased man is undoubtedly dogged by guilt. He will have to live with this guilt for the rest of his life.
Those that say that this man deserved to die should hang their heads in shame. A person has lost their life. This is not a video game or a movie. He was a person with dreams and fears, just like all of you.
People need to really start treating others how they wish to be treated.
I’m sorry but a “good person” isn’t usually afraid of seeing people in a certain neighborhood at any given time. I’m not condoning the shooting nor am I saying that it’s not extremely sad that another young person has lost their life. It’s extremely distressing and my heart goes out to all family members.
That being said, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve walked or driven around the community between 2:00 and 5:00PM on weekdays only to see hordes of adolescents loitering on the corners with nothing but time on their hands. The fact that this person felt the need to carry a gun for protection means that at some point in his life, he was also wasting time, hanging around with the wrong clique, getting into legal trouble. It’s an awful cycle that needs to be broken but I realize that it’s easier said than done.
Unfortunately I don’t have the answers to all that ails this community. Would more police presence help? Sure. Would more involvement from the community help? Absolutely. The primary reason I stayed out of trouble, particularly during my teen years, is because I was busy. The cycle of begrudgingly going to school, only to count the hours before heading to their respective corners to “hangout” is one that I feel can be broken in school. While I don’t expect Garfield to take lead on all the violence that seem to permeate in the blocks surrounding it, the end of the cycle has to start somewhere and I think school is a good place for this to be taught.
For “gangs” to grown there needs to be new blood (pardon the expression) – if we can limit the exposure to these people and teach them that there is a way out, thing can change. I, for one, am optimistic and will continue to live in this neighborhood hoping for the best. My first step is cleaning up the corner at 29th and Alder. I know where the trouble stems and will continue to do my part to quell it. I love my neighborhood and will not be scared away.
Good points Jomama.
The most important method of cleaning up a corner is your presence. Just a dogged persistent presence. I cleaned up a 3 blocd radius from my house just by getting out every day, multiple times a day and standing on the corners. Approaching when safe, keeping a distance as needed, calling police as needed (plus a little more). I rarely actually confronted people, but, on a few occasions called out some of the buyers or middlemen. Pretty soon, my block was not a good place for dealing and pimping. I rarely see it now. The thing is it does take alot of time on the street day and night. It would be nice if you didn’t ahve to do it all yourself, but, most people just don’t care or don’t want to get involved. I say standing on a corner is not involved, it’s just claiming your space and not letting criminals have your life and home.
And FYI people. Fighting crime is not racist. It is racist to think so.
Adrienne, he did not die before making it to Harborview.
The So called “punk”, or Thug that certain people are calling him is my family member. He was not a bad person and yes he did come from a very rough backround. I had just spoke to him the week before and he was excited to be coming back to AZ to reunite with family. He moved back there to help his grandfather who was ill. He wouldnt have pulled a gun unless he really felt his life was in danger. He believed in protecting himself. He had an amazing- caring heart. In my opinion if the security guard was “uniformed” he would of known that he was somebody doing there JOB! Not just a random man telling him to drop his weapon and pointing a gun at him as well. I dont know certain facts but I do know they say he ran after being shot which to me tells me in my heart he had no intention on hurting anybody unless he really had to. I wish he could of been the bigger man and maybe ran from the whole situation but we all know sometimes life just dont happen like that. It not for our judgment.. Both will have to answer to the man above. All I know is he will be dearly missed and we’ll never get to hear from him again.
Adrienne; my partner and I are the Detectives investigating this case. We would sincerely appreciate a call from you, or anyone with information on this incident, to assist us in getting all the facts. Your call, or any call, will be treated respectfully and be kept confidential. Thanks for your help.
Russ Weklych; SPD. 206-684-5567
Give it a rest Wylich. This case was solved the day it started.
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“good thing the security guard was armed” ?!?!
are you kidding? lots of these comments are awful. many white folks put on this liberal, caring front, then something like this happens and it becomes apparent how little value most white folks place on Black lives.
odds are good NO ONE would have been shot had the guard not escalated the situation. cops do this kind of shit all the time: approach a situation that folks could have resolved on their own and make it worse, sometimes killing people.
can you imagine what it would be like if, instead of armed guards and cops, the CD had folks from the community with good de-escalation skills walking around? this probably would not have happened.
De-escalate the kid waving the gun? That assumes his life is worth more than that of every single person within range of his waving gun. It’s a terrible tragedy (for all the families and the community) when a young person dies, but when he dies because he decided to wave a gun and someone shot him before he killed another (like a guy with his kids driving down the street, for example), then you cannot blame the security guard. Instead we owe him our thanks that he ended the situation before numerous bystanders, kids on the bus, etc. were shot by the gun waver.
I feel bad for the security guard – no doubt he is worried about revenge at this point as well, and he has a family too no doubt.
I didn’t see anywhere it said he was black. Before blaming everyone else for jumping to conclusions, ask yourself if you might be doing the same thing? Or is it ok for you, but not them?
Paulie just got out of his post colonial critical theory studies class. He has no real experience in the world.
Nobody respects gun toting delusioned gang bangers. Not even white guilt liberals. You say the man knew people would be out to get him if they saw him in the CD. You say that. Well, I gotta ask – Then why did he come here and endanger me and my family? I guess it is his right to do what ever the heck he wants even if he is going to get in a shoot out to get there. Disgusting.
It is my right to safely go to a coffee shop. I don’t go to that one because there are frequently gansters in the parking lot. For groceries or the drug store I drive to Broadway or Down Raineir rather than go to Red Crapple or that Bartells or what ever it is. The place is obviously dangerous alot of the time. I used to pack heat and go up there, but, decided that was just dumb when I can go somewhere else and avoid a shoot out with this creepy guy.
I know that security guard, and he knows me, because I still do walk up there with my dog now and then. Glad he is OK and I really wish him well. It is unfair that his life will be under the microscope and his employment and income could be impacted. All for doing the right thing. We greatly thank him for protecting the comunity. I hope a fund is set up for him.
Gangsters beware. Your choices may kill you. Get out. Walk away. You can make it legitimately. It is not easy. It can be really hard and frustrating for long periods of time. The only choice is to work continously on improving yourself, focussing on progress, and working harder. Alot of people reach a point and slack off. That won’t pay. The more you learn, the harder you have to work to keep ahead. That is life. Roaming around between MLK and 23rd or skipping from one gang zone to another is not life. Whitey is not your problem. You are your own enemy. Wake the hell up.
“You are your own enemy. Wake the hell up.” AMEN.
If he’s not welcome in the neighborhood he probably either is from an opposing gang (blue shoes) or did some dirt in the past. He didn’t need to come to the CD to watch a basketball game. He didn’t need do whatever he did in the past to not be welcome. He didn’t need to pull a gun on an armed security guard that could have helped him flee the situation safely. He’s obviously made a lot of bad decisions along the way and it unfortunately caught up with him. I feel bad fort these kids. Whether its bad parenting, lack of direction and opportunity, gang culture or just poor decision making but they get themselves into life or death situations over bullshit. It sucks and i’m tired of it and frustrated.
Heat Vs Pacers
so..how many shooting deaths have we had in the Central District in the last 3 years or so? It seems like one every four months or so. Does anyone have the information?
29th and Alder, 27th and Spring… it just seems like a couple isolated areas that aren’t on the main drags. How do these streets (houses) become so notorious and nothing can be done about it?
Why??? See my previous reply.
The reason is that the city and the police are not willing to address the problem. They know what is happening and where it is happening.
I can’t speak for the other areas but since I walk by 29th and Alder on a daily basis I can tell you what I know about that corner. It’s really just one house – located on the north west corner of 29th and Alder – which seems to be the center of the loitering that spills onto Alder, all the way down the MLK. From what I understand (and have seen, for the most part) there is an older black woman that lives there, who houses at least 3 or 4 other “family” members. They seem to congregate in front of that house, deal drugs, play music and generally cause discomfort to anyone walking by. Based on a neighborhood meeting we had soon after Office Brenton was shot and killed, I make it a point to smile and purposely walk through the masses on my way to Powell Barnett. Many of the officers at that meeting said there is nothing more powerful than a wave and smile – to have these people understand that you’re not intimidated and, more importantly, are welcoming to anyone on your block. Like I said, I’m not sure about the other areas but my guess is that it stems from one house and bleeds into the street from there. The quicker we can identify and “fix” these houses, the safer everyone will be. Until then, I’m waving and smiling at everyone.
Homicides are not as frequent as you believe. We have numerous NON-Fatal shootings in Seattle. List of CD homicides are as follows.
1) July 26th, 2011 at 19th & Yesler
2) May 24th, 2013 at MLK & Cherry
3) March 29th, 2013 at 2500 Norman ST
4) May 12th, 2013 at 22nd & Main
May 24th, 2012 at MLK & Cherry
Again, better reporting would identify the gang affiliations of shooters and those shot recently, as well as their criminal histories of being shooters, and those shot, in the past. I hate it that this site dances around that issue when everyone knows (just as we all knew on Halloween a few years back) why seemingly lovely young men are killed: It’s their gang affiliation AND a response to their past actions as gang members.
If you have any doubt that seemingly lovely young men can be murderers, go volunteer to teach GED classes at any jail or prison. It will break your heart that young men who are completely loveable, can be guilty of completely heinous acts. I’ll say it again: real reporting, real journalism, would include the histories of all involved, especially recently. It’s public record. Why hide it?
Dody: If I’m wrong, are you saying the young man shot had no gang affiliation. I’ll bet the gang unit at SPD could testify otherwise. Honestly, this fantasy scenario you paint – where a young man carries a gun because his brother was in a gang so now he’s a target, then he goes in to an area (armed) where he knows he’ll be a target, all to see a basketball game, then when confronted by a security guard waves a gun in public – yet still is tooooooooooootally innocent of any gang action, affiliation, or history – well I’m sorry, I stopped believing in fairy tales a long time ago.
Celia: No you have misquoted me … what I said was (in a nutshell) you should not talk negative about this, or any other situation, unless you know what you are talking about. That is the when, the WHY, and the how! I would actually think it might be better to wait for the police investigation. This behavior is playing out all over the Puget Sound …. in little towns I never heard about. And although the results of the investigation will not be published in the newspaper, there are means to find out.
People tell themselves different stories about what would have happened. The truth is, no one knows what would have happened had the guard not intervened. Not me, not any of the other commenters, not even anyone who was there (although that last group probably has the best idea).
It seems like a lot of people on this thread are telling themselves that without the guard, other people would have died. Perhaps more than one. But this is simply a rationalization, a subconscious justification of this young man’s death. Such as: “good thing the security guard was armed” – the implied follow up is obvious, but not necessarily true. It’s a narrative that makes some people feel better about what happened, and it’s a message that is repeated over and over throughout this culture: on television, on the internet, in casual conversation.
I do not believe that people need to die to keep anyone safe. I do not feel safe with an armed guard near my grocery store. I feel even less safe now that he has shot and killed someone. I don’t think that adding guns to situations makes them safer, no matter whose hands they’re in. I don’t believe violence is inevitable, and I don’t believe that our community is safer when Black folks are criminalized, locked up, and killed.
I know that good people are capable of bad things. I’m not a fool. But I refuse to go through life telling myself that in order to stay safe, others have to die. Or that some people are irredeemable and not worthy of empathy or compassion.
Who criminalized the gun waver, other than himself???
I was not referring to this specific incident, but trying to provide context. Black people are disproportionately targeted for arrest, subjected to police violence, selected for prosecution, and given more severe sentences than white people. You can see this in statistics about drug use and arrests, where white people and Black people use drugs at roughly the same rates, but there are far, far more Black people in prison for drug crimes. These patterns have been confirmed locally as well: http://www.aclu.org/criminal-law-reform/race-and-drug-law-enforcement-seattle
That is an example of racism. It happens on a cultural level, too. Black people are largely depicted as less trustworthy and more malicious than white people. Black folks are seen as “guilty until proven innocent.” Of course, this is not a formalized, legal system of racial violence like Jim Crow, but it is just as harmful and just as dangerous. Perhaps even more so, since it is purportedly neutral and “fair.”
My main point: “Criminal” is not a neutral category, and using it in a climate of “law and order” politics sets up those folks as irredeemable and more likely to experience police violence.
So Justin Ferrari would NOT have been better off if someone had stopped his killer from firing a gun while wildly waving it in the general direction of the folks he was beefing with (all of whom are fine, btw)?
90% of peope agree with Celia.
I was talking about this specific incident. No one knows what would have happened if the security had not approached the situation. In the case of the Ferrari incident, no one knows what would have happened had police intervened – it’s possible more people would have been killed. We simply don’t know.
Clearly, people waving around guns is not safe. Period. But cops & security guards shooting people and locking them up is also not a safe situation. Sending people to jail/prison does not make us safer, people are not coming out with skills to stop harming others or greater access to resources that would enable them to leave a life of crime behind.
My comments about “criminalizing” are about who has power in the situation. Guns are dangerous, whether the person who has them is in a police uniform or gang colors. But police violence against Black and poor people usually goes unquestioned, while violence coming from marginalized communities gets front page headlines, especially in cases where that violence impacts white lives.
Thankfully in this case we needen’t worry further
I don’t think there’s anything to be thankful about in this case. Brandon was killed.
I don’t feel bad for the victim one bit: you wave a gun, you be prepared to get one waved at you.
I do feel bad for the residents of the area at large. The city and police department have failed passively and actively in letting violent crime run rampant in the area. Until the community starts demanding improvements (loudly and with media attention), the CD is going to be written off as a poor neighborhood without enough sense to demand what others in the city do. Do you think the citizens of Ballard or Capital Hill wouldn’t get some results?
You’ve got to write; you’ve got to march; you’ve got to call the police and yell at every chance you get; AND you’ve got to start electing people who will treat the area 10 blocks south of downtown the same as they treat the area 10 blocks north of downtown.
Right on NeighborhoodLad!!! See my previous comment!
I am in Absolute shock from the horrific things some of you can say about a situation none of you witnessed, and none of you know the stories and backgrounds of the parties involved. The victim had an unimaginable past, being raised with no father, and a drug addict mother who was never present. He raised and looked after his younger brother while they had no one to look up to for guidance and discipline. The victim had a troubled past, more than any of you will ever understand unless you personally knew him as I did. It is not an excuse for what happened but it was his troubled upbringing that made him the person He was. The victim did not come to the CD to seek revenge or to start trouble. He missed his connecting bus to capitol hill in route to watch a heat game, and was stranded in an area he was not welcomed. The victim carried his gun for protection as he was scared for his life on a daily basis, unfortunately this is the exact reason he is not here today. Yes, he should not have been there knowing that he was not welcomed by the other parties involved, but he did not have the luxury of driving a car to get around from point a to point b. The victim had a very sweet heart and soul. It is a tragic event that took place. I understand others could have been hurt and innocent bystanders could have been affected. It scares me to death but unfortunately we live in an area where this is all too common. All the violence is bullshit and nonsense. If these men had a positive upbringing and education maybe there would be less of these crimes, the fact of the matter is that the violence will always be there whether we understand it or not. These people dying are young men that will never get a chance to make things right or to experience a peaceful privileged life like the rest of us. The victim left behind children of his own which now will never have a father. Everyone has a right to their own opinion, but Brandon was truly a good person at heart. May you rest in peace Brandon, you are missed by many!
There are many contradictions to your story.
Hm ok
Now we have a new shooting tonight on 26 th & Spring. Are these related?
I want to start by saying I am very sorry for your lost but I knew Brandon I grew up with him. but I also know what happened that day and what your saying is not true. He confronted a young man who he had confrontation with a couple weeks prior long story short they started arguing with him and tried to get the young man to go around the corner with him but that didn’t happened an older gentleman tried to break it up but fail and Brandon pulled out a gun and chased all the young men that were in the huddle around Starbucks parking lot with the gun shooting at them that’s why there were six casing found at the scene that when the security guard shot Brandon and Brandon tried to then run and collapsed on he ground. it is all very tragic what happen and thank god no one else was hurt. I knew his younger SISTER, wish he would of got the help he needed this life is not the way to live we need to encourage & inspire our young people in the beginning not when something goes wrong.
Wow! That part of the story has been missing. That makes alot of sense now as to why the Security guard fired. Why wouldn’t we have had that part of the story earlier. Speak up people.
Where are you getting your information about the six casings? I’m not denying they were found near the scene, but I was there that night about 30 feet away. There definitely were not 6 shots fired. We only heard at the most three gunshots from definitely a single revolver fired by the security guard. So about those 6 casings… doesn’t add up.
Police at the scene had marked about six casings on the ground, though they could not at the time confirm if all were from this incident or which gun or guns they came from. You can see some of them on the ground in the 3rd photo above.
Thanks Tom, I’m not denying the six cases found at the area. Just questioning the comment made above that Brandon fired shots and that was the reason for the casings. There were definitely Not six shots fired while we were there.
Hi there,
I am a friend of Brandon and Brandon’s family’s lawyer would like to talk to any witnesses, or anyone with information that was at the scene. Her number is 425-443-5844, and her name is Rachel
Call the Police Detectives on this case; Russ Weklych @206-684-5567. Thanks.
Personally, I do not know him, but it is so much to assume that everyone has some good in them. Of course, there are psychopaths, and true “devil” people, even wearing suits. But economics, mental illness, and self-preservation spurs a lot of bad things!
And the conscious choice to gang bang.
To Celia: “And the conscious choice to gang bang.”
But is it conscious … ???
It’s not his upbringing that defines him, it’s his character and his behavior. He had the choice to learn from his situation and set an example to others. He had mentors. He had role models. He didn’t follow the examples of the positive people in his life. That is a choice he did not make. Instead chose to let his temper get the worst of him, and he died by his own actions.
He, just like so many in our neighborhood, is a victim of a vicious cycle of poor decisions, bad judgement and not enough resources to propel oneself out of the culture and comfort of gangs. He is at fault for his actions, but “the system” is at fault for letting him “slip” through.
I take personal responsibility to mentor those around me so we can create the community we deserve – safe, healthy and without violence.
Shake off the “Seattle Freeze” and cross that invisible, mental line and reach out to your neighbors.
Your upbringing develops your character and who you are.
The busses connect downtown avoiding the CD altogether.
Then why didn’t YOU use it??????
To re-post; my partner and I are the investigating Detectives on this case. I have noted many in this thread claim to be witnesses or have some information regarding a confrontation. If you want to do something please call the Police; my direct line is 206-684-5567. Russ Weklych SPD
Pingback: Man killed by security guard identified as Brandon Williams | Central District News
For those willing to help, please donate so Brandon Williams can have a funeral. You can donate at the link provided, it is much appreciated.
In respect to the victims family please keep your hateful comments to yourself. I understand everyone has their own opinion but no one knows what truely went do wn only the ones involved. No one desrved to die
As children of god we r all sinners no one is perfect. But one question what if one of your family members was in the same situation as brandon would u still be on here judging? All im saying is a person is dead dondt dead and with all these comments brandon isnt here to defend himself..
Pingback: Man killed by security guard identified as Brandon Williams | Central … - Norfolk Security
How majestic of you!! However, it is not your neighborhood to bark orders. This is a community … of which you are one!! There are problems almost ALL neighborhoods today and the venom you are shooting does not help. If you are not part of the solution …. well, you know the rest.
You are really showing your ignorance … nothing else needs to be said!!!!
Your articulation and language really gives me empathy for you and this situation. OUTSTANDING! – Yours truly,
It appears your articulation and EDUCATION are no better!!
Grumbo: That comment was not mine (DME), but I wanted to let you know that I fully agree with you. You actually appear to be one of the only people who is making intelligent observations and not just mean-hearted comments. The CD has been here FOREVER. Most of the people on this blog are short-timers. We have been trying to “clean-up” the area since the 1990’s, with little or NO help from the police. But the obvious bigoted remarks and comments are not going to work any better. The only way this is going to happen is if everyone works together with a little help from the police.