Because I might pull a muscle trying to out-pun Jonah at SPD, I’ll let him take it away:
Vandal (or Rogue Chicken) Wanted for Egging Car, Attempted Hot Tub Poaching
Seattle police are working to crack a tough case after some fowl fiend threw an egg into a Madrona man’s car and then cracked a dozen more into his backyard hot tub over the weekend.
Appropriately, Officer Samuel Byrd (no yolk) was called to a home near 36th Ave and East Pike Street Saturday afternoon to take the man’s report.
The man wasn’t able to provide police with any leads about suspects in the case—and no one came forward at the scene to admit “I am the egg man”—but SPD’s hard-boiled sleuths will keep working to make sure the suspect doesn’t fly the coop.
What kind of car was it? An SUV? My theory is the egg vandal if same person just goes after SUV’s (although the hot tub is a variant). Our neighbors had visitors who had a rental SUV and it got covered in eggs last summer. Another set of neighbors has had a single egg cracked on their SUV in two separate occasions.
I am the walrus! coo coo catchu.
On Saturday night a number of cars were spray painted with crude language and pictographs from 34th and Pike down to 38th and Pike and then along 38th to Olive, where they turned right and continued across Madrona Drive on Olive. Wonder if it is related?