An apparent workplace shooting last week at a Seattle Parks facility near Green Lake sent the entire Parks system into lockdown as police searched for suspect Carolyn “Zoom” Piksa.
This afternoon, the Parks Department is closing community centers and other facilities across the city for a couple hours to give employees an opportunity to meet and talk about the incident that left a fellow Parks employee with serious injuries.
Seattle Parks and Recreation will close all recreational facilities March 13 from 12:30 to 2:30 so that Parks employees can meet with their leaders and talk to Parks management about the shooting that took place at Parks’ Densmore Ave. N facility on Friday, March 8.
This meeting will give the recreation staff time with their management team and with counselors. Affected facilities are community centers, pools, environmental learning centers and the Amy Yee Tennis Center.
News about shooting victim:
From: Christina Arcidy, Deputy Director, Associated Recreation Council
A quick note to let you all know that Bill was able to walk and has been transferred out of the ICU. He is in no way out of the woods yet, but continues to make progress. I will update again once there is significant change from the current news. This may be several days from now.
The family continues to request no visitors. They received the first of the food and cards, and expressed their sincere appreciation to us all for the efforts.
Christina Arcidy
Deputy Director
Associated Recreation Council