Casa Latina opens expansion on Jackson

Image from Mayor McGinn via Instagram

Casa Latina opened its new campus extension today at 17th and Jackson. The mayor and King County Councilmember Larry Gossett were among attendees at the opening celebration. More details on the project from a previous story:

Just two years after moving to the neighborhood, the organization has already far outgrown its space. With to goal of empowering Latino immigrants through education and job opportunities, Casa Latina needs more space for day-to-day work center operations and education offerings, such as English classes. The expansion will also make it easier for people with children to access the organization’s services. Currently, there is no space for any kind of day care for parents who want to attend workshops and trainings, but they hope to be able to provide that once the building is completed.

“That will be a big help in terms of family support for the folks who are coming,” said Rose.

There will also be a portable computer lab to help workers look for jobs and keep up on the news.

3 thoughts on “Casa Latina opens expansion on Jackson

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