My windshield was smashed with a large boulder at 215 26th ave s. The officer stated that I was the 6th call so far and another victim pulled up with similar damage as I was filing my report. Looks like so far the spree went as far as 20th and Jefferson. Neighbors heard the smash around 11:15 p.m. but didn’t see anything. Description from one of the other victims is bald black man in an all white track suit and accompanied by a white SUV. If you have any other details or may have seen the SUV or anything that looked strange please call the SPD.
We had similar activity on 30 S between Jackson and Lane about a week ago. People are strange.
What kind of cars were they?
I really hope they dont try it again…..
I’ve seen a lot of window smashing, and, it typically is relatively un targetted. Not BMWs etc. Just and angry weirdo going at what ever is there.
The main exception being mullet cars. Something about an 80s Camaro that seems to draw baseball bats to the windshield. Have you seen this?