The city will repair the road surface on some main roadways through Madrona Saturday. Parking restriction signs are already up in the area alerting people of the planned work. Rainy weather could delay work to another day.
The work will stretch from 34th and Cherry all the way north on 34th to Denny Way, then on Madrona Drive to Lake Washington Boulevard.
From SDOT:
SDOT crews will repair the roadway surface of 34th Avenue, East Denny Way, and Madrona Drive, from East Cherry Street to Lake Washington Boulevard on Saturday, June 9. This work requires fair weather, and if the forecast is unfavorable, the project will be rescheduled.
The crews will keep at least one lane of traffic open for each direction of travel, working from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Police Officers and traffic flaggers will assist traffic.
Drivers should expect congestion in the work area and use alternate routes. On-street parking will be restricted.
For information on bus service, look for Rider Alert notices at bus stops, see Metro Online,, or call (206) 553-3000.