Police responded to reports of gun shots in three locations around the Central District early Saturday morning.
Madronamom posted to CDNews Saturday saying she heard shots, and many commenters responded saying they also heard shots. According to police, there were several different incidents that are likely related, though the connection is not certain.
2:35 a.m. — Threat with gun near 22nd and Cherry
A man called police to report a group of juveniles wearing Houston Astros jerseys walking down 22nd with handguns. The caller told police he was talking with a neighbor across the street when the group walked by and started yelling “74 Hoover” at him and ask if he had “a beef.”
The man denied having any gang affiliations and said he has only lived at the residence for two months.
3:19 a.m. — Shots fired near 32nd and Terrace
Police responded to reports of shots fired in the area, but did not find any suspects or signs of the incident.
3:52 a.m. — Drive-by aimed at house near 25th and Spring
Police responded to a house that was the target of a drive-by. The woman living in the house said she and four of her friends were playing dominoes in the living room when the shots rang out.
Police found a bullet hole in the 2nd floor window and one in a first floor window. The resident told police one of the bullet holes was new, but the other was from a previous incident.
She told police she did not know why her house was targeted. However, officers noted in the report that a known gang member lives in the residence, but was not home.
A witness told police a red four-door sedan fled the scene after the shooting
4:23 a.m. — Shots fired at 18th and Howell
Shots were reported in the area, and a caller told police a red or maroon 2007 Chrysler 300 fled the scene. It is unclear if this is the same red vehicle from the 25th and Spring shooting, police say.
Town Hall hosts community conversation about gun violence Monday
First Hill’s Town Hall Seattle, sited adjacent to the parking lot where Gloria Leonidas was killed following the Cafe Racer shootings, is hosting a community conversation about gun violence Monday (today) starting at 7:30 p.m.
Public Safety: A Community Conversation
Monday, June 18, 2012, 7:30 – 9:00pm
Great Hall, enter on 8th Avenue. Free with reservation.
Town Hall Seattle staff, members, and board are deeply shaken and disturbed by the events that took place so close to our offices on May 30th. The other shooting the same day, previous incidents in May, and earlier in the year have caused us great concern. Like all of Seattle, we are trying to process the situation and wonder what we as a community can do to address it. As an institution whose purpose is to create a safe place for the expression of ideas, and which has hosted community conversations on topics including education, Occupy Seattle, artist space, the environment, and more, we can think of no more appropriate response than to gather as a community for a constructive conversation about these events which affect us all. A group of city leaders and citizens–including Mayor Mike McGinn, Councilmember Bruce Harrell and others–will discuss issues of public safety, gun control, mental illness, gangs, and how a community not only stays safe, but heals itself after such tragedies. Presented by Town Hall Seattle.
Single or plural?
It is pigeon engrish. Plurality is variable as is tense. Make what you want of it and pass the info on. This speeds up the process of dilution of message.
Therefor, I can assure you, that the house has 2 BGD members living with their Auntie and her 3 younger kids and a boyfriend of different race. The house is white, peeling paint, and dingy. An old four door car is parked on the lawn which is rarely mowed.
Remember – It’s not a story if nobody tells it.
Police only noted one in the report (according to the media relations officer I talked to).
A BGD house on Howell was targeted at the 4:23am shooting. Three bullet holes in the front window.
Tom, using a plural subject with a singular verb caused the confusion.
I was sleep on the couch when the shots rang out on Spring. I have my children and friend that live in my home, 5 shots and I jumped up to check on everyone. 2nd time I’ve heard gunfire in less than a month, and the father who was caught in cross fire happened three blocks away, I am thinking about moving out.
I AGREED WITH YOU …. I am so mad.
Just wondering. When does it become a concern that the house’s residents dismisses the bullet holes as “oh that one is old, so is that one, oh, that one is new”?
I’m pretty sure I heard 3 shots Sunday morning at around 12:30AM. I was near 21st and Alder, but the shots sounded like they were in the direction of Jefferson and Cherry. I wasn’t positive they were gun shots or not, so I did not report.. Anyone else hear anything around that time?
Yep, we heard them too, along with at least one other person. Called 911 and was told that an officer was already in the area.
It’s been brewing for a year or more now, slowly getting worse. Something big is going to happen. I hope it gets broken open before that point gets reached.
Gang memebers walking down the street at 2 am with handguns showing? No police cruising the streets? Seems that the city wants to keep it all here. Any other part of the city the police would be crusing the streets and a daily new media blitz would be on. Are we just suckers going to meetings and nothing is done? They could clean this up in less than a month with a majority of the city officers being transfered here. Who are we kidding???
Although I like to live under the illusion that the police are around to help the community (in the sense that most of us have other jobs that keep us busy), this is ridiculous. The last month had definitely seen an upswing in these types of events and obviously something is going on in the gang world, yet somehow the perpetrators keep slipping past them. You would think with people being sloppy enough to keep shooting in the same general area the cops would be here every night in an unmarked car just waiting for the next occurrence. It is disheartening to say the least.
they can’t be everywhere at once… i live on MLK and they’ve been driving by practically every time i look out the window today. just took a trip down south (on MLK) and saw at least 4 marked cars cruising around? are they disappearing after dark?
1) We must continue the fight. All of the calling in and reporting of this is critically important. Keep it up. Also, This forum is great. It publically documents all the calls, involvement, and concern from the residents of the CD. I encourage you all to keep it up and get more of our neighbors calling SPD and posting here.
2) I still advocate direct engagement of citizens against criminals. No where in any law or moral code is it said that citizens must defer all authority and action to a non-commited goverment. Mayor McGinn, the Council, and the Administration have done nothing but smile and nod at us. SPD has been put in a strait jacket by the Sissy Elitists that hide in their well guarded homes and wipe their hands with sterilizing gel every 5 minutes like modern MacBeths. I would be willing to conduct a seminar for jerks if anyone wants. It is a skill I have been working on for many years and it is very effective at driving away people you hate. The side effect is that it also drives away patsies that seemed to be your friends in the past. Still – We need to be much bigger jerks about this. Criminals and City officials (if there is a distinction) need to know that they are going to face the wrath of the CD Society for Beligerant Jerkoff Citizens. The CDSBJC. This is not a new disadvantage group, so, we won’t need to add any stripes to the rainbow flag. In fact our symbol is just a white square with rounded corners to make it almost pointless as life is for the castrated male of Seattle today.
First off – driving down MLK at 30 MPH does not solve or prevent crimes. What good beat cops do is get to know where suspicious activity occurs and then stealthily walk up or bicycle up and watch. Then pick the suspects on a small charge like or warrant. Take their money and drugs and charge them, every single time.
Unfortunately in the CD we have a situation where police were gunned down by Monfort and he was cheered by a large segment of the CD population that blamed it on police brutality and institutional racism. Why would the police stick their necks out for us? What a disgusting low lot we are – in aggregate. I know, most of us here in this forum care and act. But man, we have a lot of appologists for the murdurers here.
Really, Gumbo there was no cheering among the vast majority, only sadness, and it was certainly if anyone cheered it was not a large segment (portion). You seem to have a very low opinion of your neighbors.
Yes there was. Followed by the usual appolgetics. I have various opinions on various neighbors. You needent take everything personally. Some things are related to other people who do in fact exist in case you hadn’t looked out the window.
does seattle even know what a beat cop is anymore?
Being ingnorant of a subculture and thinking they do not exist is more bigoted than admiting to reality and being displeased. If you think there weren’t thousands that approved of that killing then you go on and live in your peaceful little doll house in Mayberry.
There is a large subculture here (as anywhere in the world) that despises the government, the police, and the dominant culture. Look around. If you think Seattle is so different from Cairo you are a fool. Certainly there is a difference of degree, but, the same patterns exist for the same reasons and they always will.
Why is it that you guys call out the messanger as the hater? Why don’t you go hang Aristotle, Emma Goldman, or Ralph Ellison. Who is the hater now? A55 WI4E
I called 911 re a verbal conflict between two gangs in the alley on 27th and Union yesterday around 7pm. I don’t know if any officers came by. Something is indeed brewing in the neighborhood and I hope the SPD finds out what it is and stops it before we have a major blowout.
I am not holding my breath.
it was on 27th between spring and marion.
still awful, but much less surprising.
yes, they’ve been hanging out all day at that location… i called 911 yesterday after a car (guess what it looked like? maroon 4 door with rims and tint.) was chasing some Hispanic youths down pike towards MLK. they ducked into a neighbors garage and i yelled at them, they responded with, “but there’s gangsters chasing us mister!” they were running for the lives quite literally it looked like.
They know, they do not want to chase it to Leshi, Madrona , Mt Baker or Capitol Hill. Keep it here like it has been for decades. Just ask the fat guy who works at the Leshi Market, he makes sure the status quo continues along with others.
we’ve made drastic cuts in police. when i first moved here, it was, “call all the time…they will allocate resources for us if you call.” well, guess what, they ain’t got any resources.
and yes, we’re chumps for going to these meetings. cause they are just forums to say we held a forum.
the real $ goes to Ballard, Phinney, Fremont, QA, and Ravenna. We all live here for different reasons, but the reality is that in part we’re kinda foolish for doing so. it’s not a place to raise kids, with wild gunfire in broad daylight, and we should all be ashamed.
i kind of know why black folks think the system is rigged. the rest of the city doesn’t care what happens here. they really don’t.
aaahhh but eeelvis! We really like it here. We can wear really dumpy looking clothes and have a generally poor appearance an not really have to deal with any pressure to succeed. We fight against anything that would bring improvement. Better to have services for drunk people than a new shopping area.
Damn! You folks down that way have it worse than us up by Judkins. May I suggest you begin to “open carry”? They gotta know that the lead can fly both ways. Since Cheif Wiggums is just going to have tea parties with Mayor McCheese and the “Peace Chorus” (Gaaawd) – you must go out into the alley for the showdown. You must do it. Also, we are going to have to spread this around a bit. Need to have more shootings down in Madison proper, Ravenna, Sand Point, etc. Those people need to understand that the violence is coming to them – the sooner the better.
i know a lot of people in this area of all socioeconomic backgrounds and none were happy. maybe sone evergreen occupy part time barista dork would cheer but everybody else had a reasonable reaction. quit over reacting.
Part time barristas are dorks? And the type that hates police. Interesting, I guess I had better stop drinking coffee as it obviously supports terrorism. Sheeeesh.
So you know some people of different backgrounds, how special. And none of your friends hates the police, I would hope not. Nobody said all _____ people hate cops. Nobody said a large majority hates cops. What was said is that there is a large group of people that hate cops and cheered about it. The fact that you do not hang around them again does not mean they don’t exist. Also the people that deny their existance – like yourself and Joanna, and the people who excuse the gansgsers and malcontents of which I speak, are bigoted, wrong headed enablers. The police are trying to solve crimes, prevent crimes, and make Seattle safe. Seattle residents are quick to turn on the police and defend their attackers. The same is true for Seattle Public Schools, but, much worse. SPS is so far gone from parental abuse and misdirection that there is no hope at all of them ever being a usefull part of the solution. A bit of a wander – but it is the same point. All the casterated patsy deniers in Seattle are ignorant bigots in rainbow panties. Go buy a decent pair of plaid boxers, a hand gun, and a shotgun and start acting like something other than a pack of idiot house cats.
I just moved into the neighborhood. In fact, I can see the bullet holes in the window from the drive-by on Saturday. There was another shooting on this block back in April. The house where this occurred has to be on the radar of the cops. Yet every time I call the SPD it’s as if they have never heard of this house before. My neighbors and myself have repeatedly called to request extra patrols on our street. One would think that 2 shootings on the same block in less than two months would warrant a shit-ton of extra police presence. But there hasn’t been much, if any.
I recently moved from Madison valley where there has been a rash of burglaries. The neighbors there requested extra patrol cars and the SPD came through and they did drive through more frequently- I saw them all the time. But with 2 shootings in 2 months on 19th and E Howell I have seen 1 patrol car drive down my street (that wasn’t a 911 call). I think that in light of all the gun violence our city has witnessed recently, this street should be dripping with police.
What else can we do?
Are boxer briefs, a .40 S&W and a 5.56 carbine ok?
I will personally contribute to those who live near that house cameras to help document the crimes…just turn them on frmo Thurs to Mon a.m. and they will surely pick up something useful. Seriously.
Yes Karl. With qualifications. Boxer briefs cannot be white. I prefer a revolver as primary due brass retention.
Ask WhyKing. Something tells me he is a cheer leader.
Citizen Patrol. Get 10 people all dressed as pink bunnies roaming around handing out Cadburry Eggs and singing hymms. There, is that better? Jeeez.
It’s been several days since we had a shooting incident. We should have one of those safety clocks that tell how many days since the last accident. Or in our case shooting. Like three clocks, time since: Last gunfire reported, Last injury from shooting, Last shooting death.
We also need to track the ratio between number of shootings and number of hits. We need a good EHS statistician. Knowing the numbers and acting on them works in the work place – howabout trying it here.