The Seattle Race Conference is being held Saturday, May 12th at Seattle University. The Seattle Race Conference began to create a shared understanding and language about the nature of racism, refine definitions of its modern day forms and identify the tools that can be used to end it. Using this as a foundation, the objective was to cultivate a “movement” for racial justice in Seattle that includes components of sustainable action. This year’s theme is “Building Community to End Environmental Racism: Learn, Connect, Flourish”
There will be workshops, presentations, and resources. This is a chance to connect with the racial justice work in the Seattle and King County communities.The morning keynote speaker is Yalonda Sinde, Former Executive Director of the Community Coalition of Environmental Justice and current Executive Director of the Association of Environmental Health Academic Programs. An afternoon playnote will be performed by The New Wilderness Project, an entertaining presentation of the issues and opportunities around stewardship, leadership, the human connection to nature and each other, and embracing diversity in our communities. And the conference Closing and Call-to-Action will be led by Jourdan Keith, Founder and Director of Urban Wilderness Project. She believes that connecting to the natural world is critical to restoring communities, reducing domestic violence, building relationships, and acknowledging and healing historical injustices.
Interactive Workshops Include:
*A Diet for Social Justice: Eating Local & Organic is a Race Issue presented by Consider This
*Bridging Community Needs with Tools and Resources for Action presented by The US EPA
*Building a Culture of Inclusion: Removing Racism from Organizational Culture presented by Nesby + Associates, Inc. and Weyerhaeuser Inc.
*Communicating Environmental Justice presented by The Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition
*White Folks in the Environmental Justice Movement presented by The Coalition of Anti-Racist Whites
**And many more!
Meet and Greet (4:30p-5:00p) entertainment provided by the Franklin High School Jazz Combo
To register go to: www.seattleraceconference.org
Pre-registration until May 1, 2012
Regular – $25; Youth (under 21) – $15 (Lunch is included)
Late and on-site registration – $35 (Does not guarantee lunch)
Additional pre-ordered lunches available for $15
Limited number of partial scholarships available: For an application and information contact: Eleta Wright at ([email protected])

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