This guy has a memory problem. Jeremy Marclay Flemings and Anthony Kenner have been charged with attempting to promote prostitution after they allegedly offered an undercover SPD officer protection and to pay for her hotel room in return for half her earnings, according to charging documents.
This was not, however, the first time undercover Officer Clark and Flemings had met, according to the documents. Flemings, now 19, had done time as a juvenile after he was caught in a pimping sting two years ago. The undercover officer in that sting? Officer Clark.
The sting went down at Rainier and Charles April 12. It ended when officers swooped in at undercover Officer Clark’s signal. Details, from the charging documents:
I am so freaking tired of all the prostitutes on Dearborn. Thanks SPD for the work to get these guys.
Apparently at the infamous Shell Gas station you get a bit more with your fillup! They have a good neighbors agreement that has never been enforced. They are not blind to what is going on I am sure.
That’s funny because I always get my gas from there and have never gotten any bit more with my fill up :) Seriously though the gas station doesn’t seem to be the problem, IMO. Eyes, does the gas station really have a good neighbor agreement? What did the Shell station agree to do as a good neighbor? It seems unlikely that they really do have an agreement but beside that, even you have said that good neighbor agreements are not enforceable by their very nature. So what do you mean it has never been enforced?
usually he/she (I think he) is correct. That area has been a collecting zone for prostitution, pimps, drug sales, junkie opportunistic crime for many years. Hats off to SPD for targeting it now for pimps/johns and for doing buy/busts a few years ago on Hiawatha.
He didn’t say any of what you just said. He said the gas station has a good neighbor agreement that is not being enforced and implied that the employees/owners of the station should be doing more. Do they have a good neighbor agreement?? How could it be enforced??
I agree the area around Hiawatha can absolutely suck at times because of prostitution, pimps, drug sales, junkie opportunistic crime and all that. I wish the SPD busts were the answer too, but I don’t think they are. Busts like this don’t really deter prostitution or pimpin and the people “busted” will be right back in our mix in no time. And they will be doing the same thing. I would rather we start spending a significant amount of our public safety budget (police/jail/courts) on systems that create proactive opportunities and solutions instead of reactive punishments to ongoing problems. I think we would see change much faster this way rather than the continuous criminal cycle of drugs, prostitution, and weapons.
The police are like really expensive housekeepers. We spend an enormous amount of money “cleaning up” a problem that we know damn well is gonna be a problem all over again in no time. I want a change in the paradigm. I don’t want criminal behavior like this to be seen as inevitable and in need of cleaning up. I want to see stuff like this gone because the economic opportunities it provides are not the only options for most of it’s participants. It’s not like pimps and prostitutes and drug dealers are saying, hey I could either go into marketing, accounting, or pimping. People are always gonna spend the social capital they are given first. That is what creates all the other opportunities they may have. Maybe if these “criminals” had more social capital in the first place we wouldn’t even have to hear eyes talk about containment zones and such.
err.. that’s “people are always gonna SPEND the social capital they are given first…”
BTW, Hey Tom (or anyone else with Tom powers),
Is there anyway you could fix how the expand feature crops the words and puts in “…”? I would come weed your yard or get you coffee or something. :)
Tom – ilovekim makes a good point, not just in the actual message but also re the expand feature. Usually one can figure out what was intended, but occasionally it could be one of several interpretations. I’m no web expert, but I hope there’s an easy fix?
Yaaa I guess the truth is a bit annoying to you passive aggressive types but to get to the question (ignoring the trolls) that station has a long history of drug selling, agressive panhandeling, and a general lax enforcement any security to those who use it. Two big incidents some years back included the station attendants shooting and killing a customer, allowing open prostitution, etc. etc. Teh also sold fortified wine and high proof 40 ouncers. The neighborhood had a debris field of used condoms and needles within a two block area. Complaints from the community went to the Police who had the station franchise owners sign a good neighbor agreement to clean it all up. After a few months it was business as usual and the Police never followed up on the agreement when community memebers called. Good Neighbor Agreements are non enforceable and not worht the paper and time as the Police do not enforce them in this our CD Containment Zone. No other neighborhood around us wants this crap so they contain it here. Well, you asked……..
Yaaa I guess the truth is a bit annoying to you passive aggressive types but to get to the question (ignoring the trolls) that station has a long history of drug selling, agressive panhandeling, and a general lax enforcement any security to those who use it. Two big incidents some years back included the station attendants shooting and killing a customer, allowing open prostitution, etc. etc. They also sold fortified wine and high proof 40 ouncers. The neighborhood had a debris field of used condoms and needles within a two block area. Complaints from the community went to the Police who had the station franchise owners sign a good neighbor agreement to clean it all up. After a few months it was business as usual and the Police never followed up on the agreement when community memebers called. Good Neighbor Agreements are non enforceable and not worht the paper and time as the Police do not enforce them in this our CD Containment Zone. No other neighborhood around us wants this crap so they contain it here. Well, you asked……..
ilovekim, we know about the issue. Unfortunately, it’s just one of many bugs floating around in this independently-programmed CMS. The site does a lot of cool stuff (every story is geotagged so you can find only stories in your block. How cool is that?), but it’s getting old. We have plans to update soonish, and the updates should handle all this. Until then, there’s not much we can do. You can still pick my weeds, though!
My guess is that as a low-tech solution someone who posts a relatively long comment could look at it after it posts to see if this problem happened, and if it did, the poster could edit it at that point.
What is with you people being annoyed with a simple and consitent message? Eye’s perspective comes from 20 years or more of observation and is founded in some general truths. It is reasonable and useful to point out the lower expectations of and within our neighborhood.
Prostitution, drug dealing, violence, open drug use, littering,and much more is acceptable within the CD. The city condones it, half of the residents want it, the police occasionally poke at it. We must consistently vocalize and act against it if we want to have a respectable and vibrant neighborhood some day.
Eyes, and others, you should call 911 every time you see illegal activity at the Shell station.
And the Jackson Place Community Council should be contacted and asked to pursue this as an issue, if it really is one. Also, the Good Neighbor Agreement should be presented to the community so that they can hold this business accountable. Eyes, have you seen a copy of it?
I personally have not seen anything illegal there, but if there is illegal activity happening there, those that see it should call the police immediately and report it.
Complaining on a blog is not effective. Getting it into the hands of the police or the Council is…
How is it that people don’t see the crime going on? If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and furtively exchanges something – It’s a duckshit dealer. Trust yourself. It’s not profiling or predjudice to think something is wrong. On Rainier between 90 and Dearborn the suspects are an even mix of whites, blacks, and asians. That’s why is is listed as a free zone – not controlled by gangs. Anyone can deal drugs on that strech of Rainier.
Nothing will change in the area until we get new medium to high density masrket rate residental and retail along that stretch of Rainier and large retail at the Goodwill site. Having the DESC Jail Facility only reinforces this area for use as a containment zone, obviously this is a long standing city policy for the area. Allowing self aggrandizeing control freaks to prevent upscale development needed maintains business as usual. We had a chance when Goodwill wanted to develop let’s not allow others to prevent it when they try again.
bha ha ha ha ha
will you goofballs give it a rest. especially you, Crane. with the Dearborn project we had over 350 signatures of people in the neighborhood opposed to the project.
just put your “jail” and “containment zone” nonsense away. it’s embarrassing. and just making the neighborhood look bad…
That’s right. If we just don’t talk about it – then the neighborhood will improve all on its own. It’s us pro investment folks that are keeping this hood down.
We don’t know who those 350 people were, but, some of us will speak up for the other 20,000 next time. I was new to the neighborhood and missed the Casa and Goodwill proposals – saw the tail ends. I would have been for Goodwill and was neutral on Casa. Today would be pro both. I am for Seattle following existing planning rules in a legal, non-manipulative way. Unlike the DESC procedings where city and county agencies clearly intended to hide the process and circumvent the rules. I don’t really care about DESC and what they do – I’m nuetral. It makes sense to try what they are trying. I would not, but, they can. My interest is in shady government practices. As for Goodwill – Many of us will try to counter the negative forces with positive forces. Alread great improvements at that sight even with the limited scope.
Who??? Who is crane? Must be another one of Jackson Place Resident “fans”. Curtis are you a “crane” ? Perhaps you are the “goofball” Jackson Place Resident and you are here because we are a containment zone and the DESC Jail Facility should be you new home.
Your written words embarress yourself asthey scream troll!