Robber follows woman into apartment building, tries to stab her

A robber allegedly followed a woman into her apartment building near 14th and Yesler February 3 and attacked her, according to the police report.

After sneaking in the door before it could latch, the suspect allegedly knocked her over the head, then kicked her on the ground. When she ran and tried to get attention, he attempted to stab her, but missed. The knife wedged between her arm and her rib cage instead.

He then grabbed her wallet off the floor and ran.

A patrolling officer spotted the suspect and followed him to his home. The suspect was placed under arrest.

From the police report:


6 thoughts on “Robber follows woman into apartment building, tries to stab her

  1. How many of you forget to have a look around as you come and go from your house or car? A quick but thorough scan is always a good idea. Don’t forget.

  2. So glad they got him. Would be nice if they put a description so I can watch out for this idiot after he gets out.

  3. I tell my kids nothing good happens outside the house between 1:00AM & 5:00AM…kids–you shouldn’t be out then!

  4. The kid has been seen roaming around at 3am this past week. Up Yesler as fare as 26th and back down Cherry. Sculking around like a burgler.