The Central District Public Art Coalition (CDPAC) is pleased to release the Central District Public Art Plan by Kistler/Higbee Cahoot. The Central District Public Art Plan is a template for communities within the Central District (CD) to use. It lays out a vision for neighborhoods to create public art that speaks to residents by incorporating neighbors’ ideas and involving neighbors in the creative process. It is a community driven plan that was born of the desire of CD neighbors to create a series of community gathering places and to revitalize underused spaces.
The Central District Public Art Plan is an effort to engage the entire Central District community including residents, businesses, schools, and service and religious organizations in order to showcase the unique character of the area.
The main funding source for the CDPAC are funds raised by the Central District Garden Tour (GT) and volunteer labor. There are a variety of activities involved in making this a reality. We are very hopeful that these activities include as many neighbors as possible along the way. If you are interested in volunteering with us, we can use your help with a variety of activities including the day of the 2012 GT, June 9th. Setup and take down at the main plaza, soliciting sponsorships, soliciting food trucks, contacting potential partners for the CDPAC’s projects, web design/support and other possibilities too endless to enumerate here. If you’re interested in joining us, please contact us.
Download the plan at
This report is great. Good work! Here is an opportunity for the Coaltion.
The JPCC received a $10K City grant to launch a mural program on Jackson Street building off the theme and success of the Jackson St. Music History Project. Teams of professional muralists and local students will put up 3-5 murals on local businesses this spring.
Give a call if you all are interested in partnering.
Sounds good Ryan. I was in Boise a couple weeks back and happened to walk through Freak Alley. What would typically have been a dreary unkempt mess had been transformed by 50 ‘artists’. It was an unexpected pleasure.
Hopefully we can achieve something like that. Rather than the rehashed MLK portraits and comunist propaganda child art we usually get here in Seattle. Or how about another run at yellow, red, blue, and pink hands joining in a circle. Please try to keep it a few steps up from that. Love the idea, just afraid I might barf when I see reality.
A simple pleasure to see after walking past the lovely Franz plant. Can you target that for something? That building should be condemned as a menace to happiness.
If you donate $200 I will guarantee no cirlces of rainbow hands.
It’s possible. Will see how the cash flow holds up. I do manage much of the waste paint in the western US if that would help.
Also drop the “don’t do drugs” murals that scream YOUR IN THE GHETTO. They do not work and sets the context for a dumping ground.
True that. Art – not propaganda.