Found a very sweet, (mostly black, grey, and a few white spots) small female dog this morning on 25th and Spring right by the pea patch. She has a blue braided collar but no tags. My husband is taking her to get scanned for a microchip… fingers crossed. She is so incredibly nice… opened the car door to check her tags and she jumped right in and sat in the back seat. Seems well trained and very obedient… wish my dogs were so well mannered. Please call me if you know her 206.920.5472 and we can get her back to you.
It looks like this dog:
Wish it was Bonnie, but the markings seem different… There is much more black on this little gal’s face. Thanks for the link though! And, all the best to Bonnie! Hope she has been found!
Too bad. And here I thought that my avoiding work by surfing the internet had paid off!
Although that dog looks very similar to Bonnie, it’s not her. I’m very glad you folks picked this dog up and are taking her to get scanned: I bet you will reunite her with her owner very soon.
Bonnie is still on the loose; she is most often sighted in the Arboretum.
Hooray! The owner has been found! Thanks to everyone for keeping your eyes peeled!
Now… let’s work on Bonnie ;).
Many thanks to the people who found Cada. She is clever and has found a way to open the gate by pushing up on it from below.
I got Cada microchipped at the vet the very day she had her adventure. She also has new tags on the way. (We’ve gone through so many of those cheap Petco tags).
Many thanks again. Dog and owner are happily reunited and headed out for a run!
Cada and I run through there a lot. We’ll keep our eyes peeled. I’m so sorry. It must be stressful.