Trees are priced to fit YOUR budget so Place your order today!
Better still, tell all your family, friends, church and other groups about this opportunity to continue being part of the change and let us know HOW MANY TREES should be set aside.
Trees are available for pick up at the center daily from 9am-9pm. The UmojaFest P.E.A.C.E. Center is located at 2314 E. Spring St. (24th & Spring St.) in central Seattle. One block south of Union st behind the Post Office.
To place your order today, please call 206.329.1591 or 877.505.6306.
If you do not want a tree but would like to support by making a contribution please click here or mail your contribution to:
UmojaFest P.E.A.C.E. Center c/o Shunpike
PO Box 22328
Seattle, WA 98122
Please reference tax ID# 91-2138554 for your tax deductible contribution.
Thank you for your consideration and we hope that you can help us make the promise of change a reality.
UmojaFest P.E.A.C.E. Center
Progress in the face of adversity
Thank you to everyone who has supported the work of the UmojaFest PEACE Center over the past year! Although we’ve faced adversity (like many) with tough fiscal challenges, we have continued to establish UmojaFest P.E.A.C.E. Center as a valuable asset to our community and city!
We are grateful for the partnerships that allow us to provide valuable development opportunities to our youth. To maximize that support, we’ve completed a strategic plan to guide our work for the next three to five years. We’d like to extend our appreciation to the City of Seattle Office of Economic Development for their help on that project.
Our work continues to provide a unique blend of youth development, cultural enrichment, community building, violence prevention/intervention and workforce development.
Community Building
This year, the P.E.A.C.E Center partnered with the youth and community to generate over $100,000 in volunteer hours and in-kind donations! We recognize the benefit of establishing effective partnerships to expand our capacity, and want to acknowledge our broad range of partners, including (but not limited to) Seattle Parks Department, United Negro College Fund (UNCF), Vera Project, Therapeutic Health Services (THS), Seattle Symphony, Garfield High School, Communities In Schools, University of Washington, Northwest Education Loan Association (NELA), Seattle Office of Economic Development and a host of other community groups –with our most valuable partners being THE YOUTH!
Sew Beautiful Fashion Lab 2011
Sew Beautiful Program launched at Garfield Teen Life Center providing 30 young women 12-week career awareness and mentoring opportunities. With support from NELA, Garfield Teen Life Center, Seattle Youth Violence Prevention Initiative and THS, Sew Beautiful was able to offer 10 paid summer employment positions! Every participant was empowered to explore a variety of career paths in the growing regional fashion apparel sector.
Raise The Bar Fitnes/Theroughbred Boxing
Raise the Bar Fitness Initiative was launched in support of the National and Local Let’s Move Campaigns to combat obesity. Through this Initiative, P.E.A.C.E. Center provided over 50 youth and 20 adults with valuable fitness activities and information. We established extended a partnership with Garfieled Teen Life Center to offer weekly workouts, and organized a Community Fitness Exhibition at Umoja Fest 2011.
Aligned with First Lady Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move campaign to to combat childhood obesity, the Raise The Bar Fitness Initiative promotes healthy lifestyle choices to young adults influenced by hip-hop music and culture.
The program incorporates a variety of physical fitness techniques including the acclaimed Bar-Tendaz program, an innovative fitness initiative based on kinesthetic aerobics in the pursuit of healthy living.
Additionally, participants in the program are trained to be “Fitness & Wellness Ambassadors” to their families and communities. Watch the promo video here
Game Recognize Game Sports Marketing Program was launched at Rainier Beach High School and Garfield High School serving over 30 youth!
Thanks to the support of Seattle Youth Violence Prevention Initiative, and our partners Seattle University, THS, Marvin Thomas Memorial Foundation, Jamal Crawford Foundation and Elite Sports, we were able to provide 42 paid internship and career readiness opportunities for low income youth!
Watch promo videos here:
Founded in 2008, the GAME RECOGNIZE GAME Urban Sports Management Academy is an experiential learning project for at-risk youth. The project introduces youth to the many business and career opportunities surrounding professional sports.
The curriculum uses professional sports as a lens to examine the attitudes and behaviors necessary for success on the court or playing field and in life. Guest speakers include professional and college athletes, sports agents, entertainment lawyers, sports journalists and more! Participants gain valuable skills including decision making, marketing strategic planning, and resource management. Their final projects are to plan the annual Heal The Hood Outdoor Youth Basketball Tournament at UmojaFest community basketball tournament and related activities.
Provided 42 paid internship and career readiness opportunities for low income youth.
Community Engagement Events
Community engagement events have been integral to the development of the UPC. Events are held at the site and throughout the community bringing together thousands people from across the northwest and nation.
UPC events are a safe place for youth offering a unique mix of education, entertainment, cultural awareness and civic engagement from weekly dinners to rally’s to candidate forums.
This past year’s events attracted 10,000+ attendees including: Future Leaders Of Washington Concert, 4th Annual 206 LOVE Benefit Concert, Japan Benefit Concert, 4th Annual Malcolm X Day, Umoja Fest 2011, Young Voters League Candidate Forum and more.
We are proud of our accomplishments and how far we have come but we know that with your support we can make a greater impact on the lives of youth and sustained positive impact on our community as a whole.