Community Post

Ballot Issue Forum this Thursday

The League of Women Voters forum on October 6 at  7:00 p.m. will cover five state measures, as well as the Seattle Families and Education Levy and the Seattle Transportation Benefit District’s proposed $60 motor vehicle tab fee. 
Thursday, Oct. 6, 7:00 to 9:00 PM
Seattle First Baptist Church
1111 Harvard Ave, Seattle
Information on five state issues (three initiatives and two SJR constitutional amendments) and the two City of Seattle area issues (the $60 motor vehicle tab fee and the families and education levy) will be presented. Representatives of the pro and con campaigns will be  chosen by the campaigns themselves.  Time is always provided for a Q and A.

We hope to see you there!TVW and King County TV will  tape and re-broadcast this forum.

2 thoughts on “Ballot Issue Forum this Thursday

  1. 1125 No – hate initiatives that are written to promote the point of view of one or two wealthy crack pots. They have a right to their point of view, but what they are proposing makes no sense and is an end run around decisions that were voted on repeatedly already
    1163 Yes – want my home health care provider at least as scrutinized as my hair dresser
    1183 No – after living or working in 6 different states (California, Arizona, New Jersey, Michigan, DC, Maryland) with various sorts of blue laws, private, county or state run operations, I really really like what we have in WA State. Plus if passed, it seriously increases the costs for me and small restaurants.
    8205 Yes – a correction to language that is unenforceable/contradictory to the rest of state laws
    8206 Uncertain – but leaning yes