Community Post

Join August Primary!3{2}Forum tonight

League of Women Voters Seattle-King County Forum tonight

What questions are you going to ask at tonight’s forum?  We’ll open the floor to questions from the audience after we hear from pro & con sides on Seattle Referendum 1 & King County Proposition 1, and from candidates in Seattle City Council Positions 1 and 9 races 

7 to 9:30 PM,  Seattle First Baptist Church, 1111 Harvard Ave, Seattle


  • 7:00 PM: King County Proposition No. 1
  • 7:30 PM: Seattle Referendum No. 1
  • 8:00 – 8:15: break
  • 8:15 – 9:30: Seattle City Council Candidates in a forum regarding the viaduct replacement.

August Primary Issues Forum

Start: Aug 4 2011 – 19:00
End: Aug 4 2011 – 21:30
Timezone: Etc/GMT-7

Thursday, Aug. 4
Social Hour: 6:30 to 7:00 PM
Forum: 7:00 to 9:30 PM


Please join us for our Forum in anticipation of the Primary on Tuesday, Aug. 16, 2011. We have a rousing evening planned, with a brief discussion of the King County funding structure, why the Veteran’s Levy came about in 2005, and why the County is asking the voters to continue it for another six years in Proposition No. 1. Next we’ll have a rousing discussion of the “Viaduct Replacement Issue” appearing as Referendum 1 on Seattle voters’ ballots. We will cap off the evening with a discussion of Referendum 1 and surrounding issues with the candidates for the two Seattle races appearing on the ballot: Positions No. 1 and 9 on the City Council.


  • 7:00 PM: King County Proposition No. 1
  • 7:30 PM: Seattle Referendum No. 1
  • 8:00 – 8:15: break
  • 8:15 – 9:30: Seattle City Council Candidates in a forum regarding the viaduct replacement.

What questions are you going to ask at tonight’s forum?

We’ll open the floor to questions from the audience after we hear from pro & con sides on Seattle Referendum 1 & King County Proposition 1, and from candidates in Seattle City Council Positions 1 and 9 races.

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