Community Post

Attend Tonight’s Redisctricting Commission Meeting.!3{2}It is the last chance to comment.

Some have proposed splitting Seattle or slicing a piece off to create a minority majority congressional district.  The Central District would be affected. How do you feel about the shape of the current legislative districts?  See the current maps that are under consideration and comment.

You may also just observe.


The Washington State Redistricting Commission is hosting its final public forum in South Seattle, on Tuesday, August 9.  The forum will be preceded by the Commission’s regularly scheduled monthly meeting, which begins at 5 p.m.
The forum begins at 6 p.m. with an open house where people canview maps that show the state’s population changes in each district and talk to map specialists about redistricting. An overview of the redistricting process begins at 6:30, followed bypublic comment.
Both the meeting and the public forum will take place at the New Holly Gathering Hall, 7054 32nd Avenue S, Seattle, WA 98118.  Those who plan to attend and need auxiliary aids or services, including language interpretation, should contact Heather Boe at 360-786-0770, or e-mail [email protected].
Genevieve O’Sullivan
Outreach Coordinator
Washington State Redistricting Commission
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0 thoughts on “Attend Tonight’s Redisctricting Commission Meeting.!3{2}It is the last chance to comment.

  1. Nobody cares about basic poloctics Joanna. We want crime. Need to rewrite this with focus on the scunbags of district party politics whose crimes at a minimum are stupidity and mopery.

    RA Ra get involved with your precint republocommie won’t fly. We want dirt on these assbuggers.