The night of the summer 2011 solstice, Autonomia — “a radical social space in Seattle” — hosts a vegan friendly barbecue at its home at the corner of 24th Ave S and S Lane. SeattleCrime reports that city zoning laws might shut the “anarchist hangout” down:
Neighbors say Autonomia opened in mid-March, and since then DPD has received two separate complaints about the venue, claiming a “non-profit anarchist group” is “operating as a ‘night club’ on weekends, in the middle of a residential neighborhood,” and advertising events on its website.
Police have previously responded to complaints about large parties at the venue. Police records indicate officers were called to Autonomia shortly before 11:30 p.m. on April 16th after neighbors called to report loud music and a “disturbance involving 20-60 juveniles.”
When police arrived at Autonomia, a man inside blocked officers from entering the facility.
According to the DPD notice on the complaint, Autonomia has until July 22 to comply with a ruling that it is in violation of the city’s land use code. The property is permitted only to be utilized for apartments or a market — any other use such as a nightclub, meeting hall or performance space would require a change of use approval from the city. SeattleCrime reports that the property owners will face fines if they don’t comply by next month’s deadline and that the situation would be passed to the City Attorney if it isn’t resolved through compliance by Autonomia.
According to King County records, the 1901 building is owned by Girma Tefera.
According to its website, Autonomia is an attempt to “create radical infrastructure in Seattle:”
Autonomia is a volunteer-run, not-for-profit social center in the Central District of Seattle. The space is managed collectively, and all decisions are made by group consensus. We strive to create a space that embodies the principles of equality, anti-oppression, and social justice, and we wish to empower the Seattle grassroots community by giving it access to a public space for community organizing. The Autonomia collective aims to support the diverse multitude of anti-authoritarian and working-class struggles in the Seattle area and around the world. We believe that a well-organized community is able to solve its own problems and better meet the needs of its community members when it practices group decision making and direct democracy.
Autonomia offers:
-Free coffee
-Free literature
-Free computer and internet access
-Free clothes
-A space for artists to showcase their work
-A space for grassroots organizations to meet
-Events such as benefit concerts, film screenings, open-mics, workshops, and Seattle Free School classesAutonomia Social Center is an example of creating radical infrastructure in the Seattle community. It’s a place to meet comrades in struggle, a place for educating yourself and others, a place to hang out, laugh, eat, inspire and conspire together. As a result of Seattle’s passionate struggle against oppression in the last few months, many are looking at radicals and asking “Well if not capitalism, if not police, if not hierarchy, exploitation, and environmental degradation, then what?” Autonomia strives to offer answers, to create a microcosm of alternatives to oppression as we tear this macrocosm of injustice down, to serve as a reminder of what we are for while we fight the relentless oppression of the state we are so passionately against.
The city’s change of use process is cumbersome but not impossible to navigate. The recent case of Volunteer Park Cafe’s efforts to secure a change of use permit in the Capitol Hill neighborhood, though, shows that it is extremely expensive and dependent on good relationships with neighbors. On the other hand, it can also be a lengthy process that takes months to play out.
We’ll ask the people behind Autonomia what their plan is. Should they decide to give the city bureaucracy a spin and apply for a change of use for the space, it will be interesting to see if a “radical” group like Autonomia can work it out and stay in the Central District.
Is it just me, or…
…can you too see the violence inherent in the system?
I feel sorry for the people who have to live near this nonsense. I’d be calling the cops right along with you.
I actually live two houses down from Autonomia, they are the nicest and committed young adults I have ever meet. From my understanding they have a lending library, feed the homeless, offer free access to basic things like free clothes, food, and internet. There’s only one neighbor who is actually “scare of young people” organizing in the community.
“Seattle’s passionate struggle against oppression in the last few months…” ? What are the talking about? Mayor McGinn?
This place is not loud or a disturbance at all. I’ve been to many events here and you can barely hear a thing outside. Folks that live there have done their best to be conciliatory to their neighbors, be quiet, and even sound-proof the house, but the attacks keep coming… kind of makes you wonder why. Autonomia is helping so many people and doing such great work in the community… it makes me sick to think that all of that help would have to end over a BS zoning rule. The neighbors that are launching these complaints really should feel ashamed of themselves. This isn’t about noise and it’s not about zoning. I really wonder if the same complaints would be coming if this was a church with loud music; I seriously doubt it!
I think it’s referring to this:
and this:
I live near this place and I’m also a member of the Coleman Neighborhood Association, which has met with the people at Autonomia to attempt to come to a solution that works for everyone, that said, it has not been just one neighbor who has complained. Unfortunately relations were damaged by a heated and accusatory exchange between Autonomia and a neighbor who has complained to them about some of their event noise. Autonomia went on the attack and aired this, repeatedly, over the city managed neighborhood list serv. This did nothing positive for neighborhood relations.
I also live near Autonomia. The neighborhood near 24th and Lane is one where most residents take pride in their homes/yards, respect their neighbors, have an active neighborhood association and socialize with each other. I am the same age of many of the patrons of Autonomia and have met a couple nice people that volunteer there. Overall, I believe in the ideals that the Autonomia website promulgates and believe they may do some good in the community, but this is a residential street and not suitable for a nightclub type atmosphere. Late night concerts and dance parties annoy the neighbors and have brought people to our neighborhood that have littered our streets and cars and have vandalized property. It’s not a coincidence that there is an increase in litter and vandalism the day after these events are held.
As on many weekends since Autonomia opened, this past Saturday they hosted some type of music event. It appears the police may have shut it down around 11pm, but then the attendees spilled out onto the streets and onto the deck of the apartment above Autonomia yelling and making noise until well after midnight. I noticed that Autonomia’s website is down today, but on their website they have been advertising concerts most weekends and a dance party every third Friday that they call “Reclaim the Bass.” What does “bass” have to do with fighting injustice and oppression?
I chose to live in the central district and the once quiet street I have lived on for the last few years. If I wanted a night club at my doorstep and the crowd that it attracts, I would live in the Pike and Pine neighborhood (a great place to visit, but not where I want to live). It’s unfortunate that the organizers of Autonomia didn’t engage the neighborhood when they opened and that they have chosen to host events that create disturbances and bring additional problems to our street. Had their approach been more respectful of the neighborhood, I am confident that no one would have complained. I hope Autonomia finds a new home in a suitable location.
shut up teabagger
Believe me, friends and supporters will engage with the community soon enough. I think a lot of these allegations are totally unfounded and I have seen many attempts by members of Autonomia to be friendly to their neighbors. I’ve been to events where they closed up shop early, or lowered the sound of music upon getting a complaint. Projecting an image of Autonomia as wild, loud, and drunken is simply ridiculous. I have been outside of the space while music was playing and could barely hear it with the sound-proof panels.
The fact is, many of the people that go there are members of the community as well (I live nearby), and the space is place where we also find our own way to take pride in our community – by building a safe space where people can be creative, meet others, have important discussions, host book tours, cook food for the needy, and give to those less fortunate. And yes, bringing people together through fun events like dance parties DOES actually contribute to helping fight injustice. Take into account that many of these events are fundraisers and are social events where people get to know each other.
I think that the people in the community that are complaining about noise levels (which really are not nearly as some are making them out to be) need to consider that they are destroying a one-of-a-kind community space that brings joy and resources to MANY others in the community. This is our community as well, and we need to find a way to coexist rather than just being snuffed out by those that seem to have little understanding of the important of this place, or compassion for those that are putting so much into it. We’re not talking about a bar on Pike/Pine, we’re talking about a community space that helps a lot of people.
It’s clear that you think you’re doing good but as you know, actions speak louder than words and we have yet to see all of the good things you’ve promised. Instead we’ve seen you attack members of the community as if they have no right to their opinions. Invalidating the position of the Community you set up shop in is no way to go about things. What gives you the right to come onto our street and tell us we should put up with gatherings that go against residential zoning? Your approach to being apart of this, already established, community has become very one sided and self righteous.
The cops didn’t shut it down, the show simply ended. I was there, and it was a wonderful show. My boyfriend and I got there early and helped cook a healthy meal for the many people there that had no way of getting nutritious food. I saw some great people grinning when they found a pair of shoes that fit them, because their old ones were falling apart. Autonomia is doing great things, people need to see what’s going on inside rather than just complaining about noise.
To “Red Fox” and the other Autonomia supporters that are so attacking of criticism on this website and others; you are hypocrites! Your actions are in conflict with the values that Autonomia supports. How is it equal and just that our once quiet neighborhood is now invaded by noise and destruction? Some of the Autonomia friends/supporters are indeed kind, dedicated, self-less people, but why should I burden the disruption from late night events at Autonomia for the enjoyment of others that do not live on this street. Move Autonomia to your street, building, or house and see how your life is disrupted. If Autonomia wants to host night time events they should be located in a neighborhood where that is expected.
Late night parties in a residential neighborhood do not fight injustice and oppression; specifically the “Reclaim the Bass” dance party is not a benefit. The benefit concerts clearly have stated the beneficiary of the money raised. The third Friday dance party claims no beneficiary, yet a “suggested $5.00 donation is collected.” Sounds like a night club cover charge to me.
You can “be creative, meet others, have important discussions, host book tours, cook food for the needy, and give to those less fortunate” without activities that take away from the community of others. I actually feel like Autonomia is oppressing my life. If the friends/supporters of Autonomia really cared about justice and equality, the concerns of your neighbors would be treated with respect as part of a well-organized community able to solve its own problems and better meet the needs of its community members.
Don’t forget that neighbors on the street voiced their dissatisfaction directly to Autonomia volunteers and by calling the police due to noise that first late night event. Autonomia made the choice to continue the activities that were the real problem. You….the friends, supporters and volunteers are the ones that are destroying Autonomia. It’s sad that you could not have focused on movie nights, the lending library, providing free internet, clothes, and food to those that were in need. I hope you find a new home and re-focus on what Autonomia so proudly expounds on its website.
I have not attacked your experiences or the beliefs that Autonomia claims to support.
I am only speaking to my experiences, which have included my sleep being disturbed by late night “club like” parties held at Autonomia, vandalism and littering on my street that did not use to happen that now happens after late night events at Autonomia, and aggressive behavior by supposed friends/supporters of Autonomia in attacking myself and neighbors.
“Autonomia is helping so many people and doing such great work in the community…”
Please enlighten us. I don’t think most outside of your community know about your work. I know I’m not familiar with it.
“The neighbors that are launching these complaints really should feel ashamed of themselves. This isn’t about noise and it’s not about zoning.”
Wow. “Ashamed”?! Judgmental much? Paranoid much? You do realize that almost everyone in the neighborhood knows NOTHING about Autonomia other than that you have LOUD, DISRUPTIVE PARTIES, late at night, when many working-class people and their kids need to be sleeping. Your politics, social theories, and pot smoking (not saying that to be judgmental, we’re on the same page here) have NOTHING to do with your parties being shut down. Take it at face value. You’re in a residential neighborhood, and you’re being a rude neighbor. I saw the “Reclaim the Bass” posters plastering Capitol Hill. It sure don’t look like a social movement afoot. Looks like a par-tay!!
From the remarks above, the only “real” thing being offered to the “community” by some folks at Autonomia is a dose of realism about the hubris of ideologues.
If this is a matter of gentrification, meaning that all of the poor working class folks (people of color) got kicked out/ priced out/ zoned out of the neighborhood, then what is it that you are offering to the “newbie” bourgeoisie? A cup of coffee and food cooked in likely unhealthful circumstances? Because it is much less trouble to get these things from the marketplace or even shoplifting then it is to have to put up with so much B.S. to have it for “free”. But hey, you are all about freedom, without regard of who’s expense it comes by. Are you really anarchists? Because thw “working class” needs to get some shut eye so we can go to our “crappy jobs”.
If this is a space for local youth, why is it a better alternative then the Garfield Comminity Center or the Red Apple parking lot for that matter? And are they in your space at all? Does the working class need free coffee (also available at most interstate rest stops courtesy of Freemasons and the VFW) or do they need viable alternative institutions that present a choice out of the work/consume/survive/too tired to do any-thing-else paradigm? Is this real alternative space, or is it a party spot for young men (primarily) who need to socialize after using polical ideology as a cover for otherwise anti-social behavior? No drugs or alchohol? Yeah right.
The fact that the first battle on your hands is with the neighbors is very telling. You want to run a business, you have to follow the rules just like every other business. You are not special because you choose a particular ideology as your mission. If you want an exemption, start a church; at least then you would be honest about the fact that people have to subscribe to your belief system before they get any respect, or any sleep for that matter. You can’t be a 25 year old wingnut in black forever.
“Oppressed”? Really Teabagger? There has been a total of TWO Reclaim the Bass nights at Autonomia over the course of 3 months. They’ve both been on Friday nights and ended at midnight. Even if they were pretty loud, which I don’t believe they were, were not talking about something that went all night long or that was going on every night or even on a week night. I have a very hard time feeling sympathy for you when you’re very obviously being melodramatic and blowing this way out of proportion.
I also want to call into question your solution. You’re not asking for Autonomia to have quieter parties, or not host late night events, you’re asking the whole entire place to shut down and for multiple people to move, over what you deem to be a couple of bad (weekend) nights. It’s ridiculous, and I think it points to the fact that there is more to your accusations than just loud parties.
I am in full support of community centers, political ideals (gotta love freedom), donations centers, free food, and free clothing. I don’t think anyone in this neighborhood would disagree. While Autonomia may supply those things, I do question how they are going about it.
To run a community center, you must invite in the community. Autonomia has not done that. I live just a few houses away and I have never met anyone from Autonomia (in fact when I walk by when people are hanging outside, they not say ‘hello’ or even smile at me), received any fliers inviting me to ‘community events’, or felt like I am part of the community they are trying to attract. Maybe I’m not poor enough, even though I make minimum wage. Maybe I’m too white and therefore a ‘yuppie’ even though I was raised on this exact street.
To run a donation center, you must solicit donations. Haven’t seen that happen yet.
To offer free clothing, food, and coffee you should probably be near the transient population. There are very few transients in this neighborhood, mainly just drug dealers and their corresponding addicted crackheads. They don’t need free clothing, they need intervention. When is Autonomia going to offer that? (side note, this same neighborhood housed the the Nickelsville Homeless Camp for a long time and neighbors rallied to bring giant vats of soup, clothing, blankets, and other necessities… so saying this is about a rejection of ‘people doing good’ is ridiculous.)
The problem, therefore, that many neighbors are having with Autonomia is that they say they are doing a service but it never seems to manifest. Instead they are throwing concerts and parties. From a safety point of view for patrons, this is extremely unsafe. The crowds that show up far exceed what the capacity should be. The windows have bars over them and I can only see one main exit. This place is a firetrap and isn’t zoned for events like this.
The parties and concerts, so far, have had no clear invitation sent to the community. The only way I know they are happening is by going to the Autonomia website, which people who need free clothing and free coffee don’t have the luxury of checking. As a member of the community, this doesn’t feel like a community center. The people who attend these events drive or bus in from other parts of the city. That is not a community event. It’s a concert.
The large egress of people into our neighborhood puts stress on everyone living around them. IT ISN’T THE NOISE FROM THE MUSIC. I live a few houses away and I can’t hear it. IT’S ALL THE DAMN PEOPLE that is the problem for me, on night when concerts are held. They park up the street, they routinely park in front of my driveway so I couldn’t leave if I wanted to, they stand outside of the place and are so loud I can hear it in my basement while watching tv, and there have been instances of fist fights, littering, and vandalism on these nights.
I don’t think the people who are running this center are bad people. They don’t need to be punished and maybe they don’t even need to be shut down. But they do need to face the facts that this isn’t working. They chose to open this center in a residential neighborhood instead of a commercial neighborhood. They are far away from the people they claim to be helping. They have called their neighbors names and changed the face of the problem from one of ‘wtf community center?’ to ‘wtf assholes in our neighborhood.’ What once was an easily fixed problem is now personal for many of us because their response has been so vicious and aggressive.
As for all the comments espousing political sentiments… it’s great in theory, but our neighborhood has same brass tacks problems. Drug dealers, crime, vandalism, prostitution. If you aren’t helping ease those problems, what kind of community center are you? Or are you just a circle jerk of white kids with face tattoos who called all their detractors yuppies and fascists?
(also posted on SeattleCrime)
“To run a community center, you must invite in the community.”
You’re obviously not checking out posters or coming into the events. I made a poster myself that was listed as a fundraiser and was asking for donations. I’ve been to other events that asked for donations upon entering the center.
“The parties and concerts, so far, have had no clear invitation sent to the community.”
Except for all the posters for Reclaim the Bass and the Peoples’ Dance party, which are all over the central district. Simply because there are not yet all the resources to invite every single person doesn’t mean that people aren’t making an effort to invite in the community. I hardly think you can level a charge against Autonomia because their marketing reach doesn’t fit your standards.
“The only way I know they are happening is by going to the Autonomia website, which people who need free clothing and free coffee don’t have the luxury of checking.”
The center also offers free internet. There’s also a sign outside that advertises free clothing, coffee and food.
“IT ISN’T THE NOISE FROM THE MUSIC. I live a few houses away and I can’t hear it. IT’S ALL THE DAMN PEOPLE that is the problem for me, on night when concerts are held.”
As noted earlier, there’s been a total of TWO Reclaim the Bass nights over the course of 3 months. We’re not even talking about weekly music events.
“there have been instances of fist fights, littering, and vandalism on these nights.”
Do you have evidence of this? I’ve been around the center quite a bit and have never seen anything even close to this happening. Most all of the people coming to the center are quite peaceful.
“Drug dealers, crime, vandalism, prostitution. If you aren’t helping ease those problems, what kind of community center are you?”
The center has only been open for 3 months and is ran by a handful of people. And you’re surprised that it hasn’t completely cleaned up the whole of the CD yet? Get real. I don’t think anyone is opposed to getting to the roots of these problems, but just because it hasn’t happened yet doesn’t mean that Autonomia is hurting the process. You’re essentially making the argument that it’s not a valid community center because it hasn’t solved the problems YOU would like it to.
I think it would be fair to come together at the community meeting tonight and talk about solutions that would work for everyone rather than just shutting down Autonomia completely, which is a very extreme solution.
“If this is a matter of gentrification, meaning that all of the poor working class folks (people of color) got kicked out/ priced out/ zoned out of the neighborhood, then what is it that you are offering to the “newbie” bourgeoisie? A cup of coffee and food cooked in likely unhealthful circumstances?”
Who said that the people living in the community are bourgeois?
What evidence do you have that the conditions are unhealthy? Have you even been inside, or are you just guessing?
“Is this real alternative space, or is it a party spot for young men (primarily) who need to socialize after using polical ideology as a cover for otherwise anti-social behavior?”
Are you making this judgment after being to actual events at Autonomia, or are you making assumptions about what you *think* is going on at the space, based upon who you’ve seen outside?
“No drugs or alchohol? Yeah right.”
There are spaces upstairs where people live, and just like everyone, they have a right to use alcohol if they wish within the confines of their own homes. The community space itself has a no alcohol rule unless it’s served legally with a banquet license. Other than that, what is your evidence of wrongdoing? Again, you’re making some giant assumptions.
“You want to run a business, you have to follow the rules just like every other business.”
Who’s to say that that Autonomia isn’t following the rules? Again, you’re assuming rather than investigating. You’re accusations are not based in fact.
“If you want an exemption, start a church; at least then you would be honest about the fact that people have to subscribe to your belief system before they get any respect, or any sleep for that matter.”
There are plenty of people that are not anarchists that hang out at Autonomia. I’m one of them and I’ve met quite a few others. If you were to actually come to the space and talk to people, you might have figured that out for yourself. Instead, you’re guessing who hangs out there rather than investigating for yourself.
Where exactly are these posters? I’ve never seen one.
The fist-fighting and subsequent police action was after a hip-hop show when about 20 people started beating the crap out of each other in the street. My roommate freaked out because she thought guns were going to get pulled.
I don’t expect you to *fix* anything. But I am curious as to who you are helping and how you are helping them, since you constantly take a higher-than-thou stance. I work with indigent people myself.
You still haven’t addressed the zoning and capacity problem. I don’t mention it as an afterthought or because it’s any easy way to get you entangled in red tape- it’s a genuine problem that worries me. I have worked in nightclubs with poor emergency exits and it’s scary.
And when was this sudden community meeting tonight arranged? If I’d known about it, I’d have taken the night off work but this is a perfect example of things going only by the Autonomia schedule with no communication with your neighbors. Just putting up a poster doesn’t work for communication… it wouldn’t kill you to actually go out of your way to walk up and speak to your neighbors. I’d come talk to you myself, but with the reception you’ve given to genuine complains so far, you don’t strike me as being friendly.
Jesus christ, you won’t win supporters or have an honest discussion with anyone in the neighborhood if you don’t use some of this. Otherwise, it comes across like a standoff and no one wants to negotiate with you.
@82ndparatrooper, this is a response to the fire code issue from a member of Autonomia:
“the fire code issue: there are three exits in the back and one in the front. we took all the bars off the front windows.”
As far as being approachable, it should be understood that not everyone that is at the place is a member of Autonomia or shares the same idea as to what the space should be. I know that there are a great many people around and in the collective that want to work with the neighborhood and find better ways to engage with the community, and are probably not as “higher-than-thou” as you might think — as a supporter of Autonomia, I think it’s great to hear the criticisms (and believe me, they are being listened to and discussed) as long as the solution is just not “shut it down”. I think a lot of this comes down to growing pains and figuring out how to work with the community to make something that everyone can be happy with rather than being a nuisance, but Autonomia can’t be expected to get better if the opposition is immovable. Hopefully folks posting on this forum will be willing to come talk with Autonomia organizers and supporters today at the community meeting and we can give each other space to discuss an outcome that works for all of us.
I live two doors up from VPC and am (literally) in the middle of the problems VPC caused on our street. The most painful element so far has been the way VPC has ripped the neighborhood in half. Long friendships have ended over VPC. People have sold and moved because of VPC. Reading some of the vituperative posts on both sides of your issue gave me the deja vu hives. You guys, stop this early.
Autonomia: you are out of compliance. Your good intentions for the community won’t help you until you come into compliance. The land-use change process requires that you demonstrate that your intended use will cause no greater impact than the previous legal use of the space. To get your land-use change, you will need the support of very people you are pissing off. Start now documenting your outreach and your willingness to work with your neighbors.
The land-use change doesn’t have to be as expensive for you as it has been for VPC. VPC is being asked to pay a lot of fines b/c they turn in stuff late. VPC also hired an expensive lawyer right out of the gate. If you are willing to work with your neighbors, you should be able to accomplish your land-use change more easily and less expensively.
Neighbors: you have the law on your side, but that doesn’t mean the City or the DPD is going to pay attention. Let Autonomia know your reasonable expectations and let them know by when you expect them met.
Start now documenting every instance where the current (illegal) use of the space impacts you more than the previous legal use did. Photos, video, written logs. If Autonomia pursues the land-use change, you will need to show impacts.
Go door-to-door right away and find out who thinks what. As part of the land-use change process, DPD will solicit opinions from residents in the 300 feet surrounding Autonomia. Don’t try to convince anyone. Just talk with them. You can go back and talk with them again as more information comes out.
Get an e-mail list together and keep people engaged by keeping them informed. The biggest mistake our neighborhood group made was to rely on the Capitol Hill version of this blog for information dissemination. Things got much better for us once we set up our own blog.
Good luck to you all. I really hope you can avoid having to go through the kind of rotten year our neighborhood has had to go through.
I encourage everyone to read this commentary by Geov Parrish I have had my share of noise issues with band practice in my neighborhood as well, and most of it can be solved by learning how to speak someone’s language. One time when the noisy boys wouldn’t pipe down on a friday night, I set up my skill saw early saturday morning and started ripping boards under their window. We had a little hart-to-hart conversation later and got things settled. The point is, there just aren’t a lot of places young people can hang out these days, shuttering another one just as a rainy summer has begun isn’t going to help anyone.
Can’t they do good things for the community during the daytime?
If you’re going to claim working for the good of your community, you have to start by being a good neighbor. Maybe you see home-owners as the enemies of your anarchy movement? But tell me, why is it that people always lash out at the people just a tiny step above them instead of lashing out at and punishing the people responsible for their woes in life? Sounds like laziness to me. Go be a nuisance to corporations that are wrecking our communities, or to the neighborhoods of the super rich, but for frak-sake be nice to the good people who live near you. Don’t shit where you live/eat!
If attendees to the center are littering and vandalizing and being obnoxious at night, and bullying and name-calling them during the day, this center “for good” is not going to survive. You have to be a responsible part of your community, or it will throw you out. It’s been this way since humans lived in tribes. Really, it sounds like the good elements of this program need to cut loose the bad ones so they can continue with the good work, which I think sounds amazing and interesting and well worth doing. I’m saddened that they think that changing the world means throwing parties and trashing their neighborhood though. Really sad. Spend your energy and money bringing positivity into the world… that is what you claim to want, right?