Community Post

Lost Boston Terrier 26th ave s & Jackson Sunday 5/22

Our Boston Terrier Louis was able to get out of our back yard at 215 26th ave s yesterday sometime between 11-4.  He is black and white and was wearing a red collar with our address and phone number and also a gray and blue rain coat.  He weighs 19lbs and has big rabbit ears.  We love him sooooooooo much and we are heart broken that he hasn’t returned.  Please if you have any information we would love to hear from you.


Please call me at 206.434.6177 or email at [email protected]   

0 thoughts on “Lost Boston Terrier 26th ave s & Jackson Sunday 5/22

  1. He was last seen running along I5 between James and Olive. Police were dispatched around 1245pm on Sunday, 5/22, but no one caught him. We canvassed the area with signage, but since that was almost 24 hours ago, he could really be anywhere at this point. Even if you saw him hours and hours ago, and leads are better than none. Also, please keep your eyes peeled throughout the day as you’re around town. He may or may not have his collar or coat anymore. He himself is black and white — white neck, white socks, and a white blaze down his nose. He is slightly brindle on his hind quarters bu very dark so he basically looks black.

  2. Louis was spotted yesterday at Pratt Park at 1pm. He was still wearing his BLUE RAINCOAT and running around like a crazy person. He would not come to the nice gentleman who was walking his Boston Terrier in the park who contacted us. Please please please keep your eyes peeled. Hopefully he’s headed toward home and is having a hard time finding it.

  3. I saw him Sunday afternoon (I don’t remember exactly what time), sniffing and walking north on the west side of 26th Ave South, crossing S. Washington Street. I was out walking my own dog, who is leash reactive, so I was trying to keep my dog calm and move farther away from him. Now I am sorry I didn’t try to approach him. Since it was so close to his home, it was probably shortly he got out. :( I hope you find him, and in good condition.

  4. Thanks for the sighting info. Any sightings are good to hear when we are missing him so much:(

  5. Boston terrier w red collar seen w white homeless man, grey beard, green (army?) jacket near Harborview @ 4am. Dog had NO JACKET but red collar. PLEASE CONTACT IF SEEN.


    SPD Report #11-166195

  6. LOUIE SPOTTED: With grey-bearded transient man wearing green army-style coat. LOUIE wearing blue raincoat. NEAR TERRY & OLIVE by Honda of Seattle. Please keep your eyes peeled!!!

  7. Have you consdidered canvasing the homeless shelters, food banks, rehab centers, etc… I have noticed your signs up all over the CD, and I would suggest putting a big huge REWARD in bold letters at the top. If a homeless guy has your dog, chances are some of his cohorts have noticed and might be enticed by the prospect of cash. You might also go by the the Real Change offices – those guys pick up papers every day and go all over the city to distribute them – someone might see something in a neighborhood you don’t have posters up in.

    Good luck!

  8. I keep coming back here in the hopes of good news. Please let us know when (not if)you get Louis back.

  9. Or the man who apparently has him might decide he wants the reward instead of the dog

  10. He was most recently seen with TRANSIENT MAN IN GREEN COAT with scraggly hair and beard near PIKE and 3RD yesterday evening, 5/31/11, around 6pm, probably catching a bus. If you see this man with the dog, please call IMMEDIATELY. There is another man downtown with a Boston, but it is a female. LOUIE is an unneutered MALE, if you can tell. Please continue to keep your eyes peeled, as this is the only way we’ll be able to catch him — with your help! Thank you!!

  11. Have gotten several tips about possibly being in the possession of a junkie/recovering junkie seen in Shoreline or White Center. Please pass it on!


    Lou is still lost, and our fliers keep getting torn down by nasty people and city workers. Please circulate to anyone you know in the Seattle area, from Shoreline to White Center, and more just in case ;). Work email lists, friends, family–we need all the help we can get!

    Thank you,
    Kendall and Mike
    206 434 6177

  13. So happy you guys found him!!!! Tobey has been sitting by the fence sniffing for him for the past three weeks…he’ll be so excited to see him! =)

  14. Thank you all for your help in spreading the word. Louie was found last
    night! Thank you to all who have contacted us about Lou. We just
    picked him up last night from a homeless encampment along I-5. He’s
    roughed up and lost 30% of his body weight, but his prognosis is good!
    Thank you to all. We are so grateful for the outpouring of support and

    Much love and appreciation,

    Kendall and Mike

  15. That’s great news. So glad Louie made it back home. He had quite an adventure.