I have lost my cat! he walked out the door late Thursday May5th early morning Friday May6th between 2 & 3AM
He does NOT go on walk abouts here so I am worried. He is a big hearty cat weighs about 15lbs nice clean shiny coat, he has white socks black atop & white on the underneath like a vest & a loin cloth. As well as a long solid black tail.(Which he does not appreciate having touched) & will not make a fuss. half of his nose is pink & the other half is black. His eyes are vibrant green. he is a very well natured cat so he will come to you (I think) he responds to kitty, Mir & meow. He is very friendly so I can understand if someone took him in. I’m sure he is cold, wet & hungry. He is not a stray & this should be obvious. He may not know how to get home as he has not been out here & now my sent is everywhere from the search. I tied a shirt to our stair railing last night for a sent & someone has stolen it. :(
I have posted fliers, put an add on Craigslist, went to the shelter & talked with people in the neighborhood plus this so please keep a look out or open some stuff up maybe he got in & can’t get out. or does someone think they are “helping”
PLEASE! I need my cat. no he is NOT chipped but will be after this fiasco
-Sarah :(
It just seems this site has deteriorated to lost pets, and self-serving advertisements, less of interest to the local community at large.
I saw a black and white tuxedo cat go under a parked car at Spruce between 24th and 25th avenue around 5:45 pm on Friday, May 6. He looked like a relatively big sized cat. I was inside when I saw him so was relatively far away and don’t know if he had the other markings you describe above. I’ll keep an eye out for him. I hope you find him soon!
I’d say that helping neighbors with things like lost pets is part of what “community” is about.
Hello — not sure if you’ve found your cat yet or if this is the one… but there is a black cat with white socks and chest that is regular in the neighborhood over here….. sometimes he suns in front of a yellow house on 28th and Jackson — other times, he wanders around the white building at 29th and Jackson…. ?????