Here’s a look at 2010’s Seattle May Day scene. Organizers expect an even larger crowd in 2011.
Dennis Kucinich will join thousands in Seattle for the 11th Annual May Day March for Workers and Immigrant Rights on Sunday, May 1st 2011.
March to call for a stop to repression of trade unions and call for an immediate end to mass dragnet raids, deportations, and separation of families as part of harsh anti-immigrant DHS Programs.
SEATTLE – As a last minute addition to the program, Dennis Kucinich, U.S. Representative from Ohio’s 10th District and former Presidential Candidate will join thousands of demonstrators that are expected to take to the streets of Seattle on Sunday, May 1, 2011 for the 11
th Annual May Day March for Workers and Immigrant Rights. In the spirit of unity and solidarity with other communities across the country, organizers in Seattle will focus on the universal theme of standing together with all workers regardless of race, class, gender, ability and documented status. Details about the event are as follows:
What: 11
th Annual May Day March and Rally for Workers and Immigrant Rights
Who: Thousands of workers and immigrant rights supporters will be joined by musical performers, labor leaders and advocates for social justice: Dennis Kucinich (U.S. Representative, Ohio’s 10th District), Carlos Arango (Exec Director of Casa Aztlan Community Center in Chicago, Ill.), Jimador Norteño (band), Sandy Restrepo (El Comité), Rodolfo Franco (Pres., AFSCME Local 304), and many others.
When: 12:00 p.m. Sunday May 1st, 2011.
Where: The march will begin at Judkins Park (2150 S. Norman ST, Seattle, WA 98144) and a two hour program will be held at Memorial Stadium at Seattle Center.