Shanga Parker, who is currently playing George Deever in the Intiman Theater’s production of All My Sons, will teach a month-long Suzuki class at Washington Hall. The class will be held Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays from April 26 – May 21. The class is offered by Freehold Theater, which is based in Belltown.
There are still several chances to catch All My Sons, which closes April 17. The Intiman’s production of the Arthur Miller classic sets the play in the Central District “in order to explore an African-American family pursuing the American Dream within the realities of our region in the 1940s,” according to the Intiman website. While you’re there, be sure to check out the photos by Garfield students displayed in the lobby.
This class is designed for all levels – from beginners to seasoned professionals – to learn and train. You will learn basic and advanced exercises while working on the inner sensibility of active calm. It is rigorous and inspirational. Suzuki training was created by Tadashi Suzuki, the renowned Japanese theatre director. It is a series of exercises, walks, and disciplines that trains the actor’s body – focusing on the legs and feet. This training is vital in helping an actor connect to the floor, produce a clear sound and intention, and sustain a strong, concentrated performance. Directors such as Anne Bogart, Robert Woodruff, and Tina Landau have worked with Suzuki training and understand its utility on stage.
Dates: April 26 – May 21Day/Time: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 6:00pm – 8:00pm, Sundays 10:00am – 12:30pmExceptions: April 28 class will be held in Black Box Theatre; May 15 class will run 10:00am – 1:15pmLocation: Lodge Room at Washington HallDiscount Price: $390.00Full Price: $445.00