There’s an important election for a low-profile office going on now, and the winner will be decided by a few hundred votes. The King Conservation District (KCD) – run by a five-member Board of Supervisors – manages millions of dollars in sustainability and conservation programs. They are holding an election on March 15th for the KCD Board of Supervisors, position #2.
You have two options to vote:
1. voting online
After a two step registration process, described on the KCD web site with screen shots below. Registration needs to be completed by 5:PM on Monday, March 14th. Ballots need to be returned by Tuesday, March 15th.
2. voting in person in Renton on March 15th
You can vote in person at the King Conservation District offices in Renton on Tuesday, March 15th, between 9:AM and 9:PM. This is the only location and time where you can vote in person. A map is here.
KCD Online Voting: Step-By Step
I would do more research but don’t have time.
An email from FUSE recommends:
This year features another contest between a pro-environmental candidate and a conservative activist. Along with our friends at Washington Conservation Voters, we’re supporting Eric Nelson for the King Conservation District Board of Supervisors.
Eric is a third generation farmer and the former Agriculture Program Manager for King County. He now runs a dairy farm in Woodinville and helps farmers produce food in an environmentally sound way.
This election is also special because of its option to vote online. It’s a two-step process, and you can’t wait until the last minute. To make this election as simple as possible, we’ve set up step-by-step directions on our website. Please vote for Eric Nelson TODAY. Click below to get your ballot and see our guide to the online voting process: