There’s no light rail station at 23rd and Rainier (yet) but the Central District will help take over Seattle’s tracked rapid transit system on Saturday as the Magma music fest’s Light Rail Dark Rail brings live music to public transportation:
Hollow Earth Radio has curated a one-of-a-kind traveling show experience happening ON the Light Rail train involving “Racer Session” musicians, banjo-playing Jordan ‘O Jordan and 10 other performers including Wet Paint’s Jamey Braden and Portland’s soul singer, Tahoe Jackson. Later in the evening, we are hosting The Ya Ho Wha 33, (a parallel to the Ya Ho Wha 13 featuring Seattle artists w/ original Ya Ho Wha 13 member Djin Aquarian), along with a whole evening of psychedelic sounds.
To get on the bus train, be at the International District station at 5th and South Jackson at 5:30 PM on Saturday (March 5th!). More info here.
More on Hollow Earth and Magma Festival 2011 here.