Gift exchanges are an office holiday tradition that will never die. It’s too much fun to have an excuse to gift wrap a Chia head. Or a Jesus candle. Or a framed, autographed photo of yourself. But not everybody has an office to celebrate in this holiday season. Leave it to the Stranger to pity the self-employed, under employed and unemployed. The Slog crew is bringing the joy of holiday giving of amazing crap to Central Cinema Thursday night to celebrate the 2010 Slog Happy Gift Exchange:
Besides food, cartoons, and drink specials, we’ll also havePRESENTS! To participate in the gift exchange, you just have to bring a wrapped gift to the party—something old, something new, something you don’t want anymore—and we’ll put ’em all in a pile. Then we’ll draw numbers and everyone will take turns picking a package. There are always interesting things in the mix—cock cozies, fancy bottles of champagne, banana holders (as in a plastic container for fruit, not a man’s thong), porn, mixed tapes, and so much more. Last year I got a Thai cookbook. The year before that I got an autographed photo of Joh posing as Matthew McConaughey.
looks like it’s Thursday at 5:30: Sounds like fun!!!