For those who’ve been following the progress of the Madrona Woods project – check out the Madrona Woods website for a peek, or better yet, take an in-person stroll through the trails – this weekend offers an opportunity to pitch in and help out.
From the Madrona Woods crew:
We’ll be tackling two jobs on Saturday in Madrona Woods – planting a partial order of new plants and repairing leaks that have developed in our independent-minded creek. Our hard-working visionary, Peggy Gaynor, plans to bring her expertise to both jobs. Planting will likely be mucky and stream repair will be even more so, but we have rubber boots and waterproof gloves. All are welcome between 10 and 1 on Saturday. Meet at the Spring/Grand entrance.
As some readers may recall, Madrona Woods was one of the beneficiaries of the Kraus fund money, receiving $25,300 toward ongoing restoration and debt relief for existing loans stemming from the extensive work on the land over the last decade. This week’s community council meeting also raised the question of building a sidewalk on Lake Washington Boulevard near the daylighted stream.
Those interested in helping this weekend can simply show up, or contact Deirdre McCrary at