Community Post

Snow Days on Hiawatha – Jackson Place Community

We have received up to 3″ of snow in the Jackson Place Community. Here are some pictures of our neighborhood on our First Snow Day. Kids are having fun sledding the pipeline. A perfect snow kissed grassy nole. Enjoy the Snow Day pictures thanks to cafe weekend for their neighborhood updates.

SNOW/ safety/ traffic in JP: These hills S. Dearborn, S. Charles, S. Bush Place between 20th & Rainier Ave. are steep and snowed over. We have seen many cars skid down and play bumber cars in the past. We do not foresee these hilly streets being plowed.  We would highly suggest that you walk, snowshoe, or sled on these Snow Days in the JP Community. Its chilly out there and the roads will get icy as the sun drops. Our hills are steep. If they are perfect for sledding, they are not good for driving. Grab your sleds and enjoy.

Businesses OPEN on Hiawatha: We’ll keep you updated on the Jackson Place Business Association/ facebook for more details on our neighborhood businesses.


CAFE WEEKEND is open today. *check cafe weekend’s facebook and twitter also for neighborhood updates.

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