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Shots Fired at a bus at 23rd & Jackson

Police are responding to a report of shots fired near the Starbucks at 23rd & Jackson.

According to police radio traffic, a witness saw several men shoot at a northbound Metro bus, apparently at someone who was a passenger.

There are no victims right now, but police have found damage to the glass of the northbound bus stop at that intersection.

The gun-wielding suspect is described as a black male, 5′ 8″, late teens/early 20s, wearing a black knit cap with a brim, and a black Northface-type jacket.


0 thoughts on “Shots Fired at a bus at 23rd & Jackson

  1. When Metro recently extended the #8 bus to Rainier beach,I was immediately concerned about a bus route that would be traveling through well known gang turfs.Rainier beach (crips) Central area (bloods)I am no gang expert but potential confrontaions beteen these two gangs shouldn’t have been difficult to anticipate. King Co metro/SPD gang unit should schedule a meeting soon to address this very dangerous situation.