News outlets from across Seattle joined CDN in covering Sunday’s ceremony to dedicate the memorial to Seattle police officer Timothy Brenton at 29th and Yesler. Our own coverage of the day is here. Here is a look at coverage from others in the Seattle news family.
- Seattle Times: Leschi’s memorial dedicated to fallen Seattle police officer
Leschi is a diverse neighborhood of black and white, rich and poor, and sometimes relations with police are strained. Pained and fearful, many wrung their hands and wondered what can we possibly do?
A year out from the killing, they built much more than a memorial.
They dedicated the granite slab, which is inscribed with words that described Brenton, such as “friend” and “husband,” “devoted” and “loyal.”
- KIRO: Ceremony Held To Dedicate Memorial For Seattle Officer Tim Brenton
Earlier, Lisa Brenton brought their kids back to the block where their father was killed as a way to reclaim the holiday for them.
Kayleigh, 12, and her 9-year-old brother, Quinn, trick-or-treated in Leschi, having fun like any other kids.
“They’re still kids, they still enjoy Halloween and they still enjoy being the center of attention. It really takes their mind off of it,” said Lisa Brenton.
Quinn’s costume even included his father’s gas mask.
“Because I think it’s kind of special to me and I really wanted to wear it because of my dad,” said Quinn.
- West Seattle Blog: Video: Memorial dedicated in honor of SPD Officer Tim Brenton