Copymaster parking lot, 20th & E Union 10am – 2pm
It’s all FREE: trade plants. Divide or thin your perennials and give away cuttings and starts. Give garden tools, art, supplies. Ask your gardening questions, maybe get answers. Share a snack. Gossip and catch up w/ your neighbors. See old friends. Draw straws for the biggest Christmas cactus you may ever see.
We don’t keep score. You don’t have to bring something in order to take something. Our goal is to have nothing left at 2pm.
Bring your flyers to give and get info on projects close to your heart, for example:
Gardening-based Health Fair at 22nd & E Union (Lutheran Church) 12-6pm also Sat. 9/25.
CD Public Art Project public meeting at 22nd & E Union (those fine Lutherans again) 7pm Mon 9/27.
Pollinator Pathway (Columbia St from 12th – 29th Ave) planting parties Oct 16 & 17 Sat/Sun.