We got a note from the organizers of the Second Saturday art walk that they’re planning a special ARTober event for October 9th, and are actively looking for more neighborhood artists to participate.
The Central District Artwalk (Second Saturday) is looking for performers, musicians and artist for our “ARTober” event on Oct 9th. We would really like for more of our participants to be living or working in the CD. (In the past they have been coming from all over the region)
The event details are as follows:
- 1-5pm on Saturday October 9th.
- There will be a raffle for an art filled basket and we would like to artists/performers of all types.
- There is a $10 fee for artist selling goods, to help cover printing flyers.
We’ve got a very artistic neighborhood, so it would be great to see more of our neighbors out showing off their talents. If you’re interested in participating, send a note to [email protected]. And you can learn more about the event at Centraldistrictartwalk.com.
would like to invite said artists and all residents to the regular fourth Monday public monthly meetings at the Lutheran Church @ 22nd & E Union, 7pm. First meeting is tonight, Sept. 27!
We need volunteers, CD historians, outreach, art project ideas, translators and more. Come join us!