This weekend we had a chance to swing by Madrona beach and see the fruits of the restoration volunteers’ ongoing labor to clean up the popular play area. The goal of the last work party a little over a week ago on August 14 was to clear the stream and uncover its bed of colorful tiles.
As you can see in the photo, the pink, purple and green shapes are now visible in the stream bed beneath the water flowing from the hand pump. It’s one of the first big steps in a process that will eventually include gently engineered “natural” play elements including a large hollow log and sustainable greenery.
From all accounts, the first work party was a huge success, with adults and kids alike working together to dig out the sand and clumps of beach grass that clogged the stream. Local businesses the Hi-Spot and Grocery Outlet provided snacks and drinks for fuel. If you’d like to get on the list to be notified about future work parties, email Paige at [email protected].
Have you been down to check on the progress of the beach restoration? How do you think it looks?