0 thoughts on “Today in printed petroleum protests”
All oil companies pollute and commit heinous crimes….Maybe its time to start using the veggie oil.
Is there any difference between BP and Exxon or Chevron? The Gulf oil spill happened on BP’s watch. That well could have blown out on Exxon or Chevron or Valero or Pemex or any gas company. They have all spilled oil into our waters and blown up gaslines. Posters like this are nothing more than venting anger with little offered as a solution.
One start at a solution is an energy and transportation policy that relies less on oil. Heck, that could start with all of us pausing to think before firing up the car, maybe combining trips or just driving a little less and walking or busing or biking more. Then, of course, you could lean on our U.S. senators to work for an energy and climate bill. Seems like the timing might be right.
I have bought my gas at ARCO for more than 20 years because they had a better track record of hiring and promoting women and minorities than the others, but now?? Where do we get our gas? (And I do take the bus as often as possible). They are all polluters and I think the solution is to lean on our elected reps to tighten the regs. If Norway can have a clean oil undustry and insist that oil companies use the very expensive automatic shutoff valves on these rigs, then why can’t we? We must be a bigger market than Norway. At $500,000 per shutoff valve, it now seems cheap at the price but then that is $500,000 less to buy politicians. If we had any guts, we would have denied Exxon any permits until they paid their Valdez bills. We are as corrupt as any banana republic.
Every station gets their gas from everyone else. Also, franchises are just that, franchises. Look to change the way you use gas if you want to protest this.
Let’s say a boycott of BP were wildly successful and the outcome were to bankrupt BP – then where will the funds come from to clean up their mess? The US taxpayer!
There was a boycott of Exxon around Seattle back in the time of the Valdez oil spill.
It pretty much forced their stations out of the area for a good 10 years. They’re starting to trickle back in now.
I doubt a BP/Arco boycott is going to work as well, though. The BP brand, that’s no problem, people will stop going there as easily as they stopped going to Exxon; there’s plenty of comparably priced brands. Arco, however, doesn’t have many direct competitors in the discount gasoline market. There’s Citgo/7-11, who don’t have a whole lot of stations around. Then there’s Costco and the grocery-store stations, and those aren’t very plentiful or conveniently located.
An Arco boycott in the CD would mean all their customers either going a little bit out of the neighborhood to the Madison or Rainier 7/11 and paying slightly more, or staying in the neighborhood and paying a lot more. Neither is terribly likely.
Yea, boycotting a station won’t stop the drilling. Reducing your reliance on oil will stop the drilling.
Get serious about your boycott. Build a bike. And you can turn your yard into a garden.
Also from the article: Greenpeace (and also the Sierra club) are NOT calling for a boycott (primarily because of the reasons you all of already mentioned).
Posters like what? I simply made the point that all oil companies pollute. I don’t believe that boycotting BP and getting your gas at Chevron is going to make a difference. Why is that statement so threatening to you?
annlise, please re-read jman152’s comment. the poster is the one on the pole and what he finds threatening is what you find threatening.
these are the same people who banned drilling anywhere that is accessible
All oil companies pollute and commit heinous crimes….Maybe its time to start using the veggie oil.
Is there any difference between BP and Exxon or Chevron? The Gulf oil spill happened on BP’s watch. That well could have blown out on Exxon or Chevron or Valero or Pemex or any gas company. They have all spilled oil into our waters and blown up gaslines. Posters like this are nothing more than venting anger with little offered as a solution.
One start at a solution is an energy and transportation policy that relies less on oil. Heck, that could start with all of us pausing to think before firing up the car, maybe combining trips or just driving a little less and walking or busing or biking more. Then, of course, you could lean on our U.S. senators to work for an energy and climate bill. Seems like the timing might be right.
I have bought my gas at ARCO for more than 20 years because they had a better track record of hiring and promoting women and minorities than the others, but now?? Where do we get our gas? (And I do take the bus as often as possible). They are all polluters and I think the solution is to lean on our elected reps to tighten the regs. If Norway can have a clean oil undustry and insist that oil companies use the very expensive automatic shutoff valves on these rigs, then why can’t we? We must be a bigger market than Norway. At $500,000 per shutoff valve, it now seems cheap at the price but then that is $500,000 less to buy politicians. If we had any guts, we would have denied Exxon any permits until they paid their Valdez bills. We are as corrupt as any banana republic.
Every station gets their gas from everyone else. Also, franchises are just that, franchises. Look to change the way you use gas if you want to protest this.
Let’s say a boycott of BP were wildly successful and the outcome were to bankrupt BP – then where will the funds come from to clean up their mess? The US taxpayer!
There was a boycott of Exxon around Seattle back in the time of the Valdez oil spill.
It pretty much forced their stations out of the area for a good 10 years. They’re starting to trickle back in now.
I doubt a BP/Arco boycott is going to work as well, though. The BP brand, that’s no problem, people will stop going there as easily as they stopped going to Exxon; there’s plenty of comparably priced brands.
Arco, however, doesn’t have many direct competitors in the discount gasoline market. There’s Citgo/7-11, who don’t have a whole lot of stations around. Then there’s Costco and the grocery-store stations, and those aren’t very plentiful or conveniently located.
An Arco boycott in the CD would mean all their customers either going a little bit out of the neighborhood to the Madison or Rainier 7/11 and paying slightly more, or staying in the neighborhood and paying a lot more. Neither is terribly likely.
Yea, boycotting a station won’t stop the drilling. Reducing your reliance on oil will stop the drilling.
Get serious about your boycott. Build a bike.
And you can turn your yard into a garden.
Exactly. This New York Times article pretty clearly lays out the case that a consumer boycott isn’t actually hurting the folks you’d expect: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/12/your-money/12money.html?hp
Also from the article: Greenpeace (and also the Sierra club) are NOT calling for a boycott (primarily because of the reasons you all of already mentioned).
Posters like what? I simply made the point that all oil companies pollute. I don’t believe that boycotting BP and getting your gas at Chevron is going to make a difference. Why is that statement so threatening to you?
annlise, please re-read jman152’s comment. the poster is the one on the pole and what he finds threatening is what you find threatening.
these are the same people who banned drilling anywhere that is accessible