Ever feel jealous of the other neighborhood that have monthly art walks? Feel it no more!
A group of artists and businesses are kicking off Second Saturday, the Central District Art Walk tomorrow at noon. And as the name implies it will be a recurring event on the second Saturday of each month.
It’s centered at Central Space at 2370 E. Cherry, where they’ll have a number of artists, live music, artisanal beer, and treats from Street Treats (tried it yesterday – delicious!).
There are also new art galleries to check out at three neighborhood coffee shops that are participating in the event:
- Cortona Coffee at 25th & Union
- Katy’s Cafe at 20th & Union
- Soho Coffee at 20th & Yesler
Full details and walking map are available at http://www.centraldistrictartwalk.com/
Thanks for the plug Scott. We are very excited and hope to get to meet lots of neighbors. The weather is supposed to be great, so it will be merry for all. The live music schedule is also online. Cheers!
and am SO excited to see this! Way to go!