A fourteen year old boy has stabbed another child one of his schoolmates at Bailey Gatzert Elementary this afternoon.
The injuries are reportedly minor, with the victim suffering a cut to the chin.
The suspect was seen running up Yesler, westbound away from the school. Police caught up to him next to the Yesler Community Center and took him into custody while a large crowd from the neighborhood watched on.
Medics were treating the victim in the school – he’ll likely get transported to a hospital for further attention.
More photos from the scene soon, and details when we get them.
Update: We’ve placed a call to both SPD and Seattle Schools for more details but have not yet heard back.
Update x2: The SPD blotter has some new details – suspect was 12, victim 14:
On June 11th at approximately 4:11 p.m. officers responded to a report of a stabbing at an elementary school in the 1300 block of Yesler Way. Preliminary investigation indicates that two juvenile males got into a verbal argument that became physical. The 12-year-old male suspect brandished a knife and cut the 14-year-old male victim on the chin. The suspect then ran off.
Responding officers apprehended the suspect a couple blocks away from the scene of the assault. Witnesses positively identified the suspect and he was taken into custody. Officers recovered the knife used in the assault.
The victim was transported to Harborview Medical Center (HMC) by SFD medics for treatment of his non-life-threatening injuries. The suspect was also taken to HMC for his non-life-threatening injuries (while assaulting the victim the suspect inadvertently cut himself on the finger, requiring stitches).
The suspect is currently under hospital guard. Upon release, officers plan to book him into the Youth Service Center for Investigation of Assault.
Police go through the belongings of the young suspect as he sits in handcuffs
Bailey Gatzert is a K-5, isn’t it? What’s the 14-year-old doing there?
finishing 5th grade? public education being what it is.
Yeah, way too old to be students. The P.I. is reporting that they were teens who had some sort of association with a day care program run at Gatzert. Still, both kids are too old for that as well I’d think.
This is sadly typical. This is why I moved my family out of Seattle. I was formerly a hippy dippy bleeding heart type. But come on! What the hell is going on? It’s like going to a 3rd world country when I have to commute to work in the city. Seriously… WTF?
of Seattle why are you still posting here? Do you post comments on the good things that are going on? Are there no crappy things going on wherever it is that you live now?