If you’ve been casually planning to clean out your garage and post your findings in the “for sale” section on Craigslist, do yourself a favor and hold off a few weeks for Madrona Community Garage Sale Day.
The community-wide rummage sale will be held Saturday, June 12, and for a $20 donation, your address will be placed on the official map and the organizers will handle all advertising. Last year over 30 families participated, so it’s a good way to capitalize on plenty of bargain-hunters in the neighborhood.
If you want to participate, you can contact Janna at [email protected] with your address and a 1-2 sentence description about your offerings. If you’re interested in volunteering to help organize the sale, email her as well.
If there are any leftovers that aren’t sold, the Northwest Center truck will be parked at the Grocery Outlet (a CD News sponsor) on Sunday, June 13, to pick up any remaining items.
If not- I would like to organize one- we can do it for the following weekend?
Does anyone know what time the garage sale is scheduled to begin and end? and- Where can we get a map?