A lease deal is signed, and the TT Minor elementary school building will no longer be empty and boarded up.
As we reported 3 weeks ago the private Hamlin Robinson School, currently located in South Seattle, had sought a lease on the building. That lease has been approved by the school board on a 7-year term.
We corresponded with Rob Harrahill, Director of Advancement at Hamlin Robinson, who said that they’ll begin working on the classrooms this summer, and the first day of classes there will be after Labor Day in September. He said that “it could not have been a better facility” for the school, and that it only requires some paint and basic maintenance, and no major renovations.
Hamlin Robinson focuses on educating kids with reading disorders such as dyslexia. They currently have 110 students, and anticipate that the new space will let them grow that number each year. They also plan to use some space for teacher training, helping instructors from other schools learn how to help students with dyslexia.
There have been recurring neighborhood rumors that other organizations might sublease space in the building from Hamlin Robinson. However, Harrahill said that there will be no subleases, leaving Hamlin Robinson as the only occupant.
Harrahill also confirmed that security around the school will return to the state before TT Minor was closed. Gates leading to the play area and play field will be locked during the school day, precluding any non-school use of the space and preventing pedestrian access across the property.
But the school leaders say that they are actively looking for ways to engage with their new neighbors. Harrahill says that they’re looking for ways to work with the neighborhood to make good use of the auditorium and gym, and are looking forward to getting to know people in the community.
Hoping that the playground and field will be able to be used by neighborhood off hours :) yay!!
Thank you for the update. Please remember, there is room for questioning the use and the future here.
It’s a bit sad that Seattle Public Schools couldn’t make a school that worked for the community, vs. decades of the worst school in the area. Instead the replacement is a school for the rich, like Giddens, Seattle Girl’s School, etc. It’s great, if you have the $$$$ to afford the tuition, which the great majority of neighborhood residents do not.
I think it is great news that a school is using the TT Minor space! Also, since it is a lease not a sale, the School District will be able to use the school in the future if needed. I much prefer that it is occupied rather than sitting vacant (and extremely pleased that it is not torn down for high end condo’s). Also “CD parent” needs to do a little research on independent schools. Giddens has an incredible amount of diversity and has over 35% of its students on financial aid. SGS has an outstanding program for girls that is the envy of schools across the nation. It is worth every penny (and they also have financial aid). This new School, Hamlin Robinson, is not a school for the rich…rather for students with reading disabilities. Take a look at these school’s web sites and you’ll be amazed by the diversity and their programs. (and PS. I went to public schools…but am still able to appreciate the educational choice that is offered in Seattle).
As a person with a disability, I lament that I have to navigate around the park and the former 17th Ave! I live in the neighborhood and have passed through there for many years. Now this renter has locked the gates and put up signs. This is what the City web page says about TT Minor Park:
4 a.m. – 11:30 p.m.
TT Minor Park includes a childrenís play area, a sports field, a jogging/walking path and relocation of the existing school parking lot. Improvements also included landscaping, new paving, benches, a drinking fountain and a bike rack, all of which are accessible to people with disabilities.