You may have noticed a new byline on the last story about the new June restaurant in Madrona. Lisa Kennelly is a Seattle native who’s putting down new roots in Madrona, and will be helping us provide much enhanced coverage of “The Peaceable Kingdom.”
Lisa is a great writer with interests in food and culture, and already knows the neighborhood after growing up just down the road in Mt. Baker. She’ll be going to all of the Madrona community meetings and finding all of that neighborhood news that we’ve missed over the last couple of years.
We’re also launching a new blog within CentralDistrictNews.com that Lisa will be in charge of and using to organize all of her new content:
You can also follow the new Madrona RSS Feed or on Twitter at @madronanews
… or do I need to go look at it seperately?
We’ll have a lot of the Madrona stories on the front page, but not all. Those that aren’t will always be at madrona.centraldistrictnews.com, and in the “Up & Coming” widget at the top right of the cdnews home page.
Really great addition / companion to CDN!
is this gentrification of the blog ? Is there that much extra going on in madrona?
We’ve alway covered the big news in Madrona, as you can see in the story history at http://madrona.centraldistrictnews.com . But there’s lots of stuff we missed, mainly due to lack of time to attend community meetings, etc.
So now we have a real Madrona resident who’s going to be covering her neighborhood and helping to find all that stuff that we were missing.