A group of neighbors and plants are coming together now in the parking lot at 20th & Union.
If you’ve got extras in your garden, drop the off. If you need some, pick some up. No quid pro quo.
Plus it’s a good chance to meet some fellow gardeners in the neighborhood and get some gardening tip.
The exchange runs until 2pm.
I always seem to meet interesting new folks at these events, and of course as usual take away at least as much as I leave behind. The heirloom roses, Japanese maples, ferns, herb, vegetables seedlings, seeds, bulbs, and beautiful assortment of plants I admired but could not identify, made this sunny day feel like I was a child in a candy store.
As always, I am looking forward to the next one ( mid-summer??)
would be the Garden Tour Ticket & Plant Sale at 23rd & Union’s Midtown Plaza. If you have starts, divisions or extra plants ypu’d like to donate, they’ll be reasonably priced and the proceeds go toward public art in the CD.
Garden Tour tickets are $5 in advance at Central Cinema, City People’s, Cortona Cafe & Madison Market today –> May 20th. Day of Tour, $7 at 23rd & Union. You get to tour 12 private CD gardens, including the James Washington House & Studio, a co-op rain garden alley and the lovely garden home of the goat that can open the gate and his runaway sidekick, a minature horse. CD News is a Garden Tour sponsor, thanks, Scott!
You can get a sneak peek here: http://gardentour.centraldistrictseattle.org/
I really enjoyed meeting some new neighbors and swappin’ some plants today. I brought some potatoes and cauliflower and left with starts of cucumber, some iris’, peppers, and a tomatillo – Awesome! I was really inspired by the cool people who threw down. Maybe we could do a veggie share too because I know I will have some extras come July.
Fruitful gardening to all.
How do we donate plants? I am going to divide a Musa basju in about 2 wks.
Email cdna (at) transdes (dot) com (I think-I’ll post a correction if the mail won’t get thru) and one of us will arrange to get plants and store them until the Tour. Thanks!! (now I have to google Musa basju to find out what you’re giving us…wow, a banana plant. Please include growing and care instructions.)