There was a good turnout today for the community cleanup at 23rd & Union, where citizens got together to follow up the initial success of the Drug Market Initiative with some sprucing up of the public space around the area.
Officials from the East Precinct even organized a BBQ for the participants after the cleanup.
Here’s some community service action shots:
Jean Tinnea and Scott Amick team up in front of the gas station
Carolyn Walden tackles 24th behind the post office
Nancy Penrose scores a mini-liquor bottle
Phillip Soares cleans up in front of the former Philly’s

Nice to see a diverse spectrum of people came out to clean the neighborhood. Will look like Madison Park in no time.
Wow…this is really impressive to see. Great example of community coming together and helping each other out. I was not part of this effort but reading the article and seeing the pictures provides great motivation to want to be part of the next one. I would just like to thank everybody involved for their efforts. It is noticed and very much appreciated.
why didn’t you help?
Too bad none of them were able to clean the chip off your shoulder.
The event attracted a more diverse crowd than the pictures incidate (you’re just talking about skin color, right?).
‘splain to us the n’hood benefit of trash along the streets. Is that what inspires your pride? Is that what makes the CD better than Madison Park in your opinion? I’m not quite tracking, here. Help me out.
We were VOLUNTEERS. So where were you and your friends?
Although that’s a tallboy can of Miller, not a forty (which would be a lot bigger).
You guys are great. It’s awesome to see people actually doing what needs done.