We just got a note from Jenny Asarnow that her project “The Corner” is coming to a close on August 31st. It’s been a months-long experiment in community story telling, focusing on the history and memories people have for 23rd & Union here in the Central District.
They’ve had a phone line open since June to record oral history of the intersection. You’ve got until next Monday 8/31 to call in and leave your memories at 877-R23-UNION (877-723-8646).
The project’s three-part radio finale is also playing this week on KUOW. Tune in at 2pm or 9pm on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday on 94.9FM. The entire series will play again on Saturday 8/29 starting at noon.
And in case you’re wondering about the art installation on the corner there, Jenny tells me that it will remain up until construction starts on Jim Mueller’s big apartment project. That’s currently unscheduled due to the economic downturn, so the art may stay with us for a while.
More details and history messages are available on the project’s website at http://23rdandunion.org
Any interest in persuading Jim that it would be a good site to host Tent City, while we await the upturn in the economy?
How do you?
Not to put too fine a point on it, but the story and the website instructions are:
call in and leave your memories at 877-R23-UNION (877-723-8646)
Yes, but not sure it would be a good fit with SPD and liquor store across the street. Could be great or could be awful.
Tent city has very strict rules about drinking and living in tent city. Tent city is great for the neighborhood, trash patrol and extra eyes. A great bunch of people.
Agreed – that’s the “could be great” part of my response. My concern is the troublemakers who make up a small percentage of the liquor store customers and are among those who make that intersection unpleasant at times. They are not a reason to preclude Tent City from being there, but they are one of the factors to be considered in deciding whether we want to approach Jim with this idea.
I think it’s worth exploring, but I also wonder whether the Tent City residents would find that location attractive – heavy traffic and bright lights all night might make less than acceptable sleeping conditions, especially for those who get up early to go to work. They would be at ground level, with no noise barriers, unlike the residents of the future apartments on that corner. On the other hand, the amenities (bus service, shopping, etc.) might make up for the negatives – and the small number of choices available to them. Has anyone asked them if they’re interested?
Any chance the fence is coming down while the art is up while the economy is down?