Tonight is Night Out, a nationwide event for neighbors to get together and meet people around them.
Last week we asked people to let us know if they had an event planned for their block. So far the area between Union & Cherry is winning the neighborhood spirit competition by a mile.
Here’s a map of of all the ones we’ve heard about so far:
Is yours not on here? Leave a comment below and we’ll add it.
I heard rumor of one on 25th between Yesler & Fir, but don’t know details.
That one is happening, I got a poster for it :)
The flyer was in my mailbox yesterday. (Would have liked a bit more notice)
6-9pm, set up at 5:30.
There’s a block party on 17th Ave between E Union and E Spring.
fun mid century educational films, cake walk, ice cream booth, and more.
but here are a few
27th between Denny and Howell (the six surrounding blocks got leaflets)
29th between Denny and Howell
29th and Thomas
Rumor has it that the whole thing started by folks in Mad Valley and around Union, at least that’s what some of the old timers say.
13th Avenue between Columbia and Marion
26th between Spring and Marion
BBQ potluck!
BBQ, live music
18th Ave S, between Weller and Lane Streets
6 pm until 9 pm
If you are interested in copies of Feet First’s CD walking map to have available tonight (or in general), drop me a line at johns @ and we’ll work something out.
E. Columbia St. between 14th & 15th. Thanks, neighbors!
some ladies are throwing a little bash. east side of the street, first cottage on right.
we’re gonna walk around with safety drink, aka…an arnold palmer. sorry, no vodka this time.
We’ll be having a potluck and set up some barbecues from 6 to 9 pm!
Hiawatha between Dearborn and Charles will be having a potluck/grillout/chillout :).
I’m within two blocks and we didn’t get a flyer. We may have to party-crash!
Colman Neighbors (east of Judkins Park and north of the old Colman School) will be at Judkins Park from 6 to 8:30, thanks to a partnership with the City Parks Department.
900 block of Davis Place South between S. Charles and Norman St. S
Anyone know what we need to bring? I heard there was a list based on last name or something, but never got the flyer…
Please do!!