You’ve probably already heard the beep-beep-beep of progress if you live within four or five blocks of 30th & Denny. Construction crews are on the site of the Madison Valley drainage pond, positioning heavy equipment and preparing the site for the expansion of the hole to handle larger flooding events.
Although construction was originally to have begun this week, the construction company has to finish up various paperwork and planning tasks before they can get started. A project engineer tells me that things will likely start in earnest next week. In the meantime, the entire property is now fenced off and a construction office trailer is parked along the edge of the property on 30th.
According to Seattle Public Utilities, neighbors can expect “increased noise, dust, and vibration” and a lot of truck traffic once construction begins. It will take hundreds of dump-truck trips to haul away all of the excavated soil. If neighbors run into any issues with the construction, they’re encouraged to contact SPU engineer Cynthia Blazina, who will be on site and available by phone at 206-423-1474.
The park bench along 30th was left out of the project fence, giving construction-watchers a front-row view of the noisy, dusty, vibrationy fun.
I could use some fill and I’m only like 15 blocks away. :)
Will this resolve the issue that caused the death of Kate Flemming in 2006?
No. The only thing that will resolve the potential of what happened to Ms. Fleming will be to have everyone in that natural basin move out.
With that said, this will help. But you are still talking about a valley.