Someone tagged the following message on my garage door, either last night or this afternoon: “Take Care of Your Dog!! Fuck You!”
For the record, my dog is a well cared for, 100 lbs. great dane/lab mix who eats well, gets regular runs, hikes, swims, etc. Like many others whose big dogs would destroy their houses if left alone inside, we leave in the yard of our townhouse when we’re out, whether permitting. The tag on my garage door is cowardly, presumptuous, and appallingly self-righteous. One look at him clearly reveals that he is not a neglected dog. Moreover, I’m mostly irritated that someone was so moved as to damage my property in such a smug manner.
I invite the person who did this to visit my home and explain yourself. You have no idea who I am or how I treat my dog. If you think you’ve witnessed some neglect or abuse, march up to my door and tell me so. I have some cleaning supplies waiting for you.
All others, how can we end this rampant cowardice disguised as “good citizenry” in our city?
This happened at 17th & Spring. Any leads are welcome.
I am not condoning this kind of behavior. Few things piss me off like graffiti. However, I have a neighbor that also left their dog outside when they were not home. It barked. A lot. The pet owner didn’t know this until it was pointed out to him. How could he? He wasn’t home. Spraying a message on ones wall is wrong. But, it is still a message. Maybe you should ask your neighbors if they might have any insight to why this may have happened.
Of course, I’m well aware of that possibility, but I’m fairly certain that’s not the problem here. It’s one of the first things I thought of. There are 6 townhouses in our development, and a number of multi-family apartments and condo buildings nearby. There have never been complaints about barking, and several people have said he doesn’t bark a lot. Like all dogs, he barks when someone walks by with another dog, or if someone stands around the outside of the fence for a while. He doesn’t just sit in the yard and bark a lot.
Besides, even if it were the problem, it wouldn’t provide insight as to why this happened. To call it a message somewhat legitimizes the act. It’s not a message; it’s pure cowardice. If barking, or something else were a problem, then a conversation is the way to deal with it.
This reminds me of the couple who attempted to lecture me last year about leaving my dog outside in the heat as I exited Trader Joes. I had been in the store for less than 5 minutes and had him tied outside the store, where he sat, as usual, with several other dogs.
Anyhow, Seattle is notorious for this kind of passive-aggression. A town full of people that think they know what’s best for everyone. I’ve been here 12 years and it’s my least favorite thing about this otherwise wonderful city. And almost nothing is more frustrating than someone hiding in smug, self-righteous anonymity.
My invitation to the perpetrator still stands. You know where I live. Come over and talk, prove your not a miserable coward, and clean my garage door.
FYI – Just Trying to Help – Your point is taken, as mentioned above. I just don’t think that’s the issue here. And I mean no offense to you as none of my comments are directed at you. Thanks.
“A town full of people that think they know what’s best for everyone. I’ve been here 12 years and it’s my least favorite thing about this otherwise wonderful city.”
Couldn’t agree more with you there. I wouldn’t hold my breath for anyone to come forward.
Come to the 17th Ave. Night Out party on Tuesday, Aug. 4 and interact with your neighbors…might be a good opportunity to talk about the dog, the graffiti, etc. and once you get to know your neighbors, both sides might find it easier to communicate face-to-face. I don’t condone the graffiti but it’s hard to confront someone with an issue like a barking dog, or perceived concerns about the dog, or whatever, if you’ve never met your neighbor. 17th Avenue is a great block, hope to meet you.
I’m sure we’ll make it out for that. We saw the signs posted while walking yesterday. Perhaps by then I’ll have learned to use the proper contextual spellings of weather and whether.
is just what I thought when I read your post, Mike. And the ‘people who think they know what’s best for everyone’ is so true statewide. Must be a paradigm holdover from waaaay back when they wrote the state Blue Laws and no alcohol could be sold or served on Sunday, etc. A woman at Safeco Field out on the concourse was giving my hubby an earful because he didn’t remove his hat for the national anthem as he had his hands full of food trays. Finally he asked her ‘Do YOU have a Bronze Star????,’ boggled her little self-righteous mind and left her stuttering. Made me want to just slap her but I think he got her better.
I like the bronze star line. Clever. Always a better way to react in those situations.
You do not need a night out party to talk to people. You wrote “I don’t condone the graffiti but it’s hard to confront someone with an issue like a barking dog, or perceived concerns about the dog, or whatever”…
This statement the root of the phony Seattle passive/aggressive behavior. How do you know it’s hard, have you ever confronted anyone honestly, in person?
Well, it turns out there was more barking than usual Friday night, but we’re not sure what prompted it. Anyhow, I now have a lead on the perpretrator and will offer to do what I can about the dog and forget this ever happened (while no one ever complained before this once is enough) in exchange for reimbursement of the painting expenses. If that fails, I’ll happily have the perp arrested for malicious mischief 2nd degree – an amicable resolution, I think.
Looking forward to meeting many of you at the night out (yes, Eyes, I agree with your post), including those of you who understand the passive-aggressive epidemic.
Mike G
And his Bronze Star line reminds that we don’t know what others have been through or what service they’ve given, sometimes on our behalf. We all make assumptions and so often I’m wrong. The exchange was a great poke in the ‘stay conscious’ for me.
Yes, ‘eyes,’ I have confronted someone honestly, in person. I do it every day as part of my job and I do it in my personal life as well. That doesn’t mean it’s easy to do so, and for many people, especially in Seattle which is afflicted with passive-aggressive behavior to the nth degree, it is very difficult for their first conversation with a neighbor to be confrontational. You don’t know if they’re going to listen to what you have to say or slam the door in your face, or, as happened to me a couple years ago, threaten you with a gun. So, for most people, having the first encounter with a neighbor in a social setting where you can chit-chat about gardens and the weather makes it easier when you have to knock on their door and tell them to turn down the music or that their dog barked all night or that their kids stole your plants.
and I’m sorry your dealing with it. I moved her 2.5 years ago and was surprised by how much I’ve had to deal with.
Hope they pay for the painting supplies and you dont have to call the cops.