Our spy at Seattle U has sent us another safety alert from their security department. He notes that this one seems like a story he’s heard before. Can’t say I disagree:
On Tuesday, June 16, 2009 the SU Department of Public Safety (DPS) received a report of an attempted strong arm robbery, which occurred between 3pm to 5pm on Monday, June 15th. The male student victim reported he was jogging on E. Marion between 12th & 13th avenue when he was approached by three males on the sidewalk. One of the males walked up to the victim and said ‘Man, I like those shoes’. The victim reported he looked down and the suspect then suddenly hit him in the jaw. The victim also reported that the suspect tried to reach for his book bag, but after the failed attempt, the suspect and the two other males all ran off. The student then ran to his parked vehicle and drove to a local hospital for follow up care. The suspect was described as a male in his 20’s. He had a medium color complexion, was approximately 6’0” tall, 160 lbs, with short hair. The victim was not able to get a description of the other two persons present with the suspect. DPS has alerted SPD to the incident and there are emphasis patrols in the area.
What does that mean?
White black hispanic asian?
This strikes me as odd, since that very block has a major Seattle U construction project going all day long, with at least a dozen workers active on the property, sidewalk, and in the street at any given time. Plus the usual number of pedestrians, which are frequent. Is the time listed (which is a pretty broad span) correct?
I suspect it means that they’re not sure what racial category to put the assailant into, but know that he had medium colored skin.