City Neighborhood Council
invites you to
The City Council Candidates’ Forum
Thursday, June 18th, 2009
5:00 pm- 7:00 pm
Bertha Knight Landes Room, City Hall
600 4th Avenue, Seattle, 98124
The filing deadline has passed and the races are crowded!
Knowing this is an important year in city politics, the CNC is proud to host this event.
This is your chance to learn more about the candidates that want a seat on City Council.
This is your chance to find out more about their qualifications.
And, most importantly, this is your chance to let your priorities be known.
Light refreshments will be available.
Four City Council Seats. 16 Candidates. One Forum. And You!
The City Neighborhood Council (CNC) is a citizen-led advisory group, comprised of elected members from each of the city’s 13 neighborhoods. In simple terms, we are the neighborhoods!
(planning underway for a Capitol Hill/Central Area Candidate Forum: School Board, Council, Mayor. Probably Sat. July 25th 9 – noon @ Mt. Zion, but stay tuned for details. Contact [email protected] to volunteer)
I didn’t make it, but would appreciate a report from anyone who did. Thanks!
The format of the forum was light and informative. Here is the TV schedule and link to watch online: