Alerted by Kerry Murakami (former PI Neighborhoods reporter) to check out the revamped http://seattlepostglobe.org, a blog started by [you guessed it] laid-off Seattle PI staff:
Hi, check out our newly-designed site. We’re the news site started by former P-I journalists.
One of the things we’re able to do is have community members add stories about issues going on, as well as calendar items.
We really hope to be a vehicle for organizations and activists to get out issues that need discussion in the city, whether it be city-wide or specific to neighborhoods.Please feel free to submit pieces or blog posts. They’ll go to a hidden holding area where we can review them before they go public.
We’re hoping this sight will be a blend of traditonal journalists, public broadcasting and trusted community members
To do this, go to our site, seattlepostglobe.org
On the right if you scroll down is an icon that says get published. please click on that, register and follow the instructions. Enter a headline and when you’re done, hit publish at the bottom.
I went to seattlepostglobe.org and found:
a) that the revamped site starts on Monday!
b) a report from a guy named Scott about a plane landing in Genesee Park. The format of the report was just like those used by CD News’s Scott! Has Scott been cloned? Has he defected? Or is SeattlePostGlobe going to become a sort of super-CD-News for items of Citywide interest.
Update: YEP, it’s our Scott – the link to his name wasn’t live when I first looked, but now identifies him.