Community Post

Carmack House Reminder, today

Below is information that will assist all those interested in writing a few sentences to help with the Landmarks Board. Landmarking will make way for the house to be moved and made into a Bed and Breakfast. If it is not landmarked, the owners will likely bulldoze it possibly as early as tomorrow.
From Alex:

I received confirmation from Karen this morning that she will print out all emails received by NOON today and deliver them to the board. She suggested that anyone sending letters also CC me on them so that I can print a copy just in case. If they are received before 2:45PM today I will personally deliver them to the board if I am cc’d at [email protected]

Below is information on the Carmack House, a sample letter of support, and the agenda of the Landmark Preservation Board meeting scheduled for today at 3:30pm. Much of it is wordy.
Send a more personal note no matter how short – even two or three sentences shows community interest.

Again, the emails to [email protected] MUST BE RECEIVED by NOON TODAY for Karen to include them. If they are received before 2:45PM today I will personally deliver them to the board if I am cc’d at [email protected]

Earlier information from Bill
At its next meeting, on Wednesday, the Seattle Landmarks Preservation Board will consider whether or not to accept the nomination of the George Washington Carmack House. The meeting, in room 4080 of the Seattle Municipal Tower, begins at 3:30 P.M. and public comment will be taken. Community interest and support is noted by members of the Landmarks Preservation Board in considering whether or not to accept a nomination (although it’s not a listed criterion.)

The Carmack House, on E. Jefferson Street between 15th and 16th Avenues, has been the subject of two earlier stories in A representative of the National Park Service first suggested that the house be considered for designation as a landmark because of its association with George Washington Carmack, credited with making the strike that set off the Alaska Gold Rush.

The house is on a lot within the Swedish Medical Center master plan area and is embraced on two sides by parking garages. The property has been put on the market by the Jewdoschenko Estate, owners of the site, with a listing at a price of $1,250,000 suggesting the most valuable potential use of the site does not include the house. A feasibility study has been completed for developing a five-story medical office building on the site.

Since the Squire Park Community Council submitted the nomination of the house for Landmark status most of the interior architectural features were removed by unknown persons. (See the earlier story). Nevertheless, an interested party is exploring the possibilty of purchasing the house, moving it to a nearby site, and restoring it.

A representative of the owner of the site has stated that the owner opposes the Landmark nomination and it’s expected that opposition will be stated at the April 1 Landmarks Preservation Board meeting.

In addition to in-person statements on April 1, the Landmarks Preservation Board will accept written comments before the time of the hearing (contact [email protected] )

The nomination documents, including a detailed history of the house and the neighborhood are at the Department of Neighborhoods Web site > >>
On May 6, the Seattle Landmarks Preservation Board will meet to decide whether or not to designate the George Washington Carmack House an historic landmark. The Squire Park Community Council, with the assistance of Historic Seattle has nominated the house, on E. Jefferson between 15th and 16th, for preservation. The house was the home of G.W. Carmack and his wife who filed the first claim of discovery of gold that set off the Klondike Gold Rush and that changed the face of Seattle. (More recently, until their death, the house was the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jewdoschenko whose estate now owns the property. ) The property now is embraced by parking garages serving the Swedish/Sabey campus and is within the Major Institution Master Plan area. Therefore, although the lot is zoned for a single family house, if the property were purchased by Swedish or someone closely associated with Swedish, it could become the site of a large medical office building. There is a potential purchase of the house who would, if a suitable nearby location can be found, move the house and possibly establish a bed and breakfast.
The representative of the property’s owner vigorously opposes designation of the house as an historic landmark. At the recent Landmarks Preservation Board nomination meeting, the owner’s hired representative argued at length against accepting the nomination. The LBP voted to accept the nomination, but comments made by board members suggest that the designation vote could be a close one, and success is in doubt.
Appearance at the LBP meeting, and/or letters from community supporters is very important. The meeting will be held in the Seattle Municipal Tower on May 6, beginning at 3:30 P.M. (The time on the agenda for the George Washington Carmack House nomination will be published about a week before the meeting. The agenda can be accessed at the Landmarks Preservation Board Web site >>
The nomination documents were prepared by historian Mimi Sheridan and include, not only a history of the Carmacks and their house, but also an interesting overview of the history of the neighborhood. See >>
If you are unable to attend and speak at the meeting, you may send a letter of support, which must be received no later than May 5, to Karen Gordon, Landmarks Preservation Board, Department of Neighborhoods, City of Seattle, P.O. Box 94649, Seattle, WA 98124-4649 or email to [email protected].

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